Love, Money, and Parenting
An international and historical look at how parenting choices change in the face of economic inequality Parents everywhere want their children to be happy and do well. Yet how parents seek to...
An international and historical look at how parenting choices change in the face of economic inequality Parents everywhere want their children to be happy and do well. Yet how parents seek to...
这是一本儿科医生经常推荐、家长值得信赖的育儿指导,包括了从如何照顾小婴儿到如何培养儿童的自信的一切内容。无论是要解决常见的儿童健康问题,还是需要具体指导处理紧急的健康状况,家长都可以参阅这本*新增订的育儿百科。其具体内容如下: 为分娩的准备及新生儿护理,讲解了孕期营养、锻炼和孕期筛查。 关于新生儿喂养和婴儿护理的深入讲解。 0~5岁孩子的基本养育方法,包括各阶...