Automating the News
From hidden connections in big data to bots spreading fake news, journalism is increasingly computer-generated. An expert in computer science and media explains the present and future of a world...
From hidden connections in big data to bots spreading fake news, journalism is increasingly computer-generated. An expert in computer science and media explains the present and future of a world...
每个城市都有一个“上东区“,那是精英阶层居住、社交和购物的专属社区。 当耶鲁人类学博士温妮斯蒂•马丁和丈夫一起带着孩子搬到上东区时,她对那里的生存规则还一无所知。 从物色公寓、购买学区房、给孩子申请私立校开始,她打响了一场艰苦卓绝的“战争”,其紧张激烈程度绝不亚于竞选美国总统。 这场”战争“持续了六年,为了让孩子迅速实现阶层跃迁,她又排除万难买到了爱马仕的铂金包。 ...
《纽约时报》畅销书作家克罗斯比博士以心理学家和资产管理专家的背景优势和独特视角,在行为金融学领域开辟了新天地。你可以从书中学到: 19个提升投资绩效的行为校准模型 10条投资行为原则 5种应用行为金融学的选股方法 4种行为风险的应对方式 本书聚焦于投资者的行为偏差,可以作为投资者自我修炼的指南。 ...
John Perry did two things on his 75th birthday. First he visited his wife's grave. Then he joined the army. The good news is that humanity finally made it into interstellar space. Th...