The Well-Grounded Java Developer

书名:The Well-Grounded Java DeveloperVitaltechniquesofJava7andpolyglotprogramming
豆瓣评分: 7.5


DESCRIPTION The Java community has always been dynamic and fast-moving, with constant innovation on the core platform as well as a vibrant community ecosystem. New JVM-based languages like Groovy, Scala, and Clojure are redefining what it means to be a Java developer. The core Standard and Enterprise APIs now co-exist with a large and growing body of open source technologies. Multicore processors, concurrency, and massive data stores require new patterns and approaches to development. And with Java 7 due to release in 2011, there's still more to absorb. The Well-Grounded Java Developer is a unique guide written for developers with a solid grasp of Java fundamentals. It provides a fresh, practical look at new Java 7 features along with the array of ancillary technologies that a working developer will use in building the next generation of business software. KEY POINTS F * Covers new Java 7 features F * Quick tutorials on several new JVM languages F * Integrating new features and languages with existing systems


Ben Evans is on the Java SE/EE Executive Committee, helping define standards for the Java ecosystem. He is a Java developer working in the financial industry, an organizer for the UK Graduate Developer Community and a regular public speaker on Java, concurrency and related topics.

Martijn Verburg (aka the "Diabolical Developer") is an independent Java and open source consultant, co-organizer for the London JUG, and a regular conference speaker on Java and open source.


@ 风很大,你说什么 作者java有功底,受益,感谢 @ Neckau 写ASM的时候读了一下这本书的Chapter 5,对于bytecode的讲解还算是细致。新增的invokedynamic和methodhandles也都分析了一番。 @ wltan 介绍了java 7的好多最新特性,后面介绍了Groovy等新语言 @ dehuizhou 如果看过《程序员的修养》,那么理解class loader 就顺畅多了,本书对 fork/join 并行计算解释的比较到位。 @ RednaxelaFX 当初这本书刚出我就兴冲冲找了本来读,然而相当失望。所谓浅尝辄止大概说的就是这本书这样的。对事不对人。这本书写得相当浅,实在是让人感觉读它还不如读一组blog好。 @ 永远自由的心 A well-grounded Java developer should read @ 坏人C 读了前一半。很赞。虽然是针对JDK 7的 @ yeet 价值就在java7 新api那块,其他都是凑数 @ 这个杀手不太冷 前半部分讲解jdk7特性,比较有用,scale、clojure部分基本没看明白,其他部分大概翻了翻 @ 刘家宝树 看了并发那一块 感觉读了跟没读一样

Part 1: Developing with Java 7
1 Introducing Java 7 – FREE
Part 2: Vital techniques
3 Dependency injection – AVAILABLE
4 Modern concurrency – AVAILABLE
5 Classfiles and bytecode – AVAILABLE
6 Understanding performance tuning – AVAILABLE
Part 3: Polyglot programming on the JVM
7 Alternative JVM languages – AVAILABLE
8 Groovy, Java's dynamic friend
9 Scala, power and economy
10 Clojure, safer programming
Part 4: Crafting the polyglot project
11 Test-driven development
12 Build and continuous integration
13 Rapid web development
14 Beyond ground level
A For more information
B Spring configs
C Glob syntax
D Installing alternative JVM languages
· · · · · ·


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