Beginning graduate students in mathematics and other quantitative subjects are expected to have a daunting breadth of mathematical knowledge ,but few have such a backgroud .This book will help s...
Beginning graduate students in mathematics and other quantitative subjects are expected to have a daunting breadth of mathematical knowledge ,but few have such a backgroud .This book will help s...
This book covers elementary discrete mathematics for computer science and engineering. It emphasizes mathematical definitions and proofs as well as applicable methods. Topics include formal logi...
“A dizzying, dazzling debut.” —Nature “A welcome addition to the math-for-people-who-hate-math genre...All but the stubbornly innumerate will enjoy this amusing mathematical miscellany.” —Kir...
From America's liveliest writer on mathematics, a witty and insightful book on the stock market and the irrepressibility of our dreams of wealth. In A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market...
Every futures, options, and stock markets trader operates under a set of highly suspect rules and assumptions. Are you risking your career on yours? Exceptionally clear and easy to use, The Math...
As the leading software application for symbolic mathematics, Mathematica is standard in many environments that rely on math, such as science, engineering, financial analysis, software developme...
"Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Seventh Edition", is intended for one- or two-term introductory discrete mathematics courses taken by students from a wide variety of majors...
在各界名人中,数学家是最不为人了解的,其传记恐怕也索然无味。的确,数学家的活动主要在他头脑中进行,而他的劳动成果往往只有极少数人才能理解。然而,保罗・哈尔莫斯的这本数学自传,却大有可读之处。 本书至少提到了一两百位数学家,有的鼎鼎大名(如冯・诺伊曼),书中不仅讲述他们的故事,还收有他们的照片,使读者对当代一流数学家有全面的感性认识;同时,这是一本真正的20世纪数学社会史,书中谈到...