C++ Primer
Bestselling Programming Tutorial and Reference Completely Rewritten for the New C++11 Standard Now fully updated and recast for the newly released C++11 standard, this authoritative and c...
Bestselling Programming Tutorial and Reference Completely Rewritten for the New C++11 Standard Now fully updated and recast for the newly released C++11 standard, this authoritative and c...
Every day you answer questions-dozens, even hundreds of them. How do you find the answers to questions? How can you be sure your answers are correct? Scientists use questions to learn about thin...
这是一本非常有特色的计算机编程学习书籍。其特色就在于它将作者十余年来对游戏编程的所思、所感、所悟与编程理论知识相结合,褪去了纯理论的教学理念,使读者在前人的学习过程中吸取学习经验和教训,将计算机基础知识和高级编程技术不知不觉地融入自己的头脑中。 本书忠实地记录了作者十余年来对游戏编程的所思、所感、所悟。全书按照作者本人学习和实践的过程,带着读者从基础的计算机知识到高级...
C+11 has arrived: thoroughly master it, with the definitive new guide from C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ Programming Language, Fou rth Edition! The brand-new edition of the world's mos...
作为IT人,谁不曾心怀梦想?谁不曾充满激情? 谁不曾遭遇编程时的各种痛苦? 谁不曾品尝过程序编成的喜悦? 谁不曾遇到跳槽或留守等各种十字路口的抉择? 谁不曾想尽快摆脱新手变成高手以实现自身价值的最大化? …… 但是很多程序员在职业道路上只是自发成长,他们靠的是自己对技术的追逐和对项目开发经历的积累,靠的是所在企业或单位的成长环境。如果我们能够认识程序...
As the computer industry changes from single-processor to multiprocessor architectures, this revolution requires a fundamental change in how programs are written. To leverage the performance and...
Do you want to push Ruby to its limits? The "Ruby Cookbook" is the most comprehensive problem-solving guide to today's hottest programming language. It gives you hundreds of solut...
With the same insight and authority that made their book The Unix Programming Environment a classic, Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike have written The Practice of Programming to help make individual...