The Autobiography of an Idea (Dover Books on Architecture)
The early creative years of pioneer American architect and theorist called the "father of the skyscraper." Projects, insights, evaluations. Essential for an understanding of early mode...
The early creative years of pioneer American architect and theorist called the "father of the skyscraper." Projects, insights, evaluations. Essential for an understanding of early mode...
《城邦与人》是施特劳斯的代表作,堪称其诠释学范本。全书以提纲挈领的“导论”开宗明义,接下来三章分别论述亚里士多德《政治学》、柏拉图《理想国》、修昔底德《伯罗奔半岛人与雅典人的战争》(《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》)。 施特劳斯将现代人的困境,作为自己专致于古典作品的动力。他认为回归古典政治哲学既是必要的,也是尝试性的或实验性的:虽然古典作品陈述并阐明的古典原则并不能直接适用于现代社会,但恰...