Create code art, visualizations, and interactive applications with this powerful yet simple computer language and programming environment Learn how to code 2D and 3D animation, pixel-level im...
本书旨在探讨如何优化算法效率,详细阐述了经典算法和特殊算法的实现、应用技巧和复杂度验证过程,内容由浅入深,能帮助读者快速掌握复杂度适当、正确率高的高效编程方法以及自检、自测技巧,是参加ACM/ICPC、Google Code Jam 等国际编程竞赛、备战编程考试、提高编程效率、优化编程方法的参考书目。
Today’s designers are creating compelling atmospheres and interactive experiences by merging hardware and software with architecture and design. This book is a collection of this innovative work...
If you last saw algorithms in a university course or at a job interview, you’re missing out on what they can do for your code. Learn different sorting and searching techniques, and when to use e...
书名:Type + Code: Processing for Designers 作者:YeohyunAhn/VivianaCordova 译者: ISBN:9780578011431 出版社:Lulu.com 出版时间:2009 格式:e […]
Algorithms and data structures are much more than abstract concepts. Mastering them enables you to write code that runs faster and more efficiently, which is particularly important for today’s w...
現在、プログラミングコンテストは数多く開催されています。Google Code Jam、TopCoder、ACM/ICPCなどの名前を聞いたことがある人も少なくないでしょう。本書で扱うのはそれらのような、問題を正確にできるだけ多く解くことを競うプログラミングコンテストです。 プログラミングコンテストは気軽に参加することができます。例えば、Google Code JamやTopCo...
Where does great culture come from? How do you build and sustain it in your group, or strengthen a culture that needs fixing? In The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle goes inside some of the world’s...
Algorithms and Data Structures in Action introduces you to a diverse range of algorithms you’ll use in web applications, systems programming, and data manipulation. Chapter-by-chapter, the book ...