Programming Kubernetes
While Kubernetes has established itself as the industry standard for managing containers and their life cycles, there’s a definite need for good practices on how to write native applications. Th...
While Kubernetes has established itself as the industry standard for managing containers and their life cycles, there’s a definite need for good practices on how to write native applications. Th...
Spring框架是Java EE开发的事实标准,而Spring Boot是业界最流行的微服务开发框架。本书从一个最简单的工程开始讲解Spring Boot企业级开发,其内容包含全注解下的Spring IoC和AOP、数据库编程、数据库事务、NoSQL技术、Spring MVC、Spring 5新一代响应式框架WebFlux、REST风格和Spring Cloud分布式开发等。 ...
《Spring Cloud Alibaba微服务原理与实战》针对Spring Cloud Alibaba生态下的技术组件从应用到原理进行全面的分析,涉及的技术组件包括分布式服务治理Dubbo、服务配置和服务注册中心Nacos、分布式限流与熔断Sentinel、分布式消息通信RocketMQ、分布式事务Seata及微服务网关Spring Cloud Gateway。由于Spring Cl...