Solving Product Design Exercises

书名:Solving Product Design ExercisesQuestions&Answers
豆瓣评分: 8.6


Practice your product design and UX skills. Prepare for your next job interview. Redesign the NYC metrocard system. Design a dashboard for a general practitioner. Redesign an ATM. Learn how to solve and present exercises like these, that top startups use to interview designers for product design and UI/UX roles. Today top companies are looking for business-minded designers who are not just focused on visuals. With this book you can practice this kind of mindset, prepare for job interview, learn how to interview other designers and find concepts for projects for your portfolio.


Artiom Dashinsky is a product designer based in Tel Aviv and Berlin. Most recently he led the design of multiple products at WeWork and prior to that he worked with startups building their products and design culture.

Products he built for the design community are used by tens of thousands of designers working at companies like Google, Airbnb, Netflix and Boeing. Products he built or designed are featured in Wired, TechCrunch, Forbes, Quartz, Smashing Magazine, Awwwards and more.


@ 小我𝙻𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚗 我觉得对我拿到offer还是有帮助的,对于没经历过白板或类似形式的帮助很大,很清晰! @ 羽揚 白板解題必讀 @ .01 对于junior来说很实用的应聘ux岗位的书籍,包含案例~ @ _hiddenjoy 很好的一本指导工具书。 @ 失眠的马冬梅 对刚踏入这个行业的设计师很有帮助吧。 @ 酥饼仙人 Super helpful @ Fun奔奔 神书! @ 芝麻山谷 粗略读完 真的很好读。但是task和interview还有剩的。等我听完课了 再来查漏补缺 @ 巧喜 Best book so far!


Prepare for the design interview — prepare for the design exercise and learn more about how tech companies hire product designers.
Improve your portfolio — use product challenges to showcase in your porfolio instead of unsolicited visual redesigns.
Step up your design career — practice your product design skills to become a better designer and prepare for your next career move.
Interview designers — learn how to interview designers to evaluate their skills in the most efficient and scalable way.
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