Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial

书名:Ruby on Rails 3 TutorialLearnRailsbyExample
豆瓣评分: 9.3


“Ruby on Rails™ 3 Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example by Michael Hartl has become a must read for developers learning how to build Rails apps.” —Peter Cooper, Editor of Ruby Inside Using Rails 3, developers can build web applications of exceptional elegance and power. Although its remarkable capabilities have made Ruby on Rails one of the world’s most popular web development frameworks, it can be challenging to learn and use. Ruby on Rails™ 3 Tutorial is the solution. Leading Rails developer Michael Hartl teaches Rails 3 by guiding you through the development of your own complete sample application using the latest techniques in Rails web development. Drawing on his experience building RailsSpace, Insoshi, and other sophisticated Rails applications, Hartl illuminates all facets of design and implementation—including powerful new techniques that simplify and accelerate development. You’ll find integrated tutorials not only for Rails, but also for the essential Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL skills you’ll need when developing web applications. Hartl explains how each new technique solves a real-world problem, and he demonstrates this with bite-sized code that’s simple enough to understand, yet novel enough to be useful. Whatever your previous web development experience, this book will guide you to true Rails mastery. This book will help you Install and set up your Rails development environment Go beyond generated code to truly understand how to build Rails applications from scratch Learn Test Driven Development (TDD) with RSpec Effectively use the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern Structure applications using the REST architecture Build static pages and transform them into dynamic ones Master the Ruby programming skills all Rails developers need Define high-quality site layouts and data models Implement registration and authentication systems, including validation and secure passwords Update, display, and delete users Add social features and microblogging, including an introduction to Ajax Record version changes with Git and share code at GitHub Simplify application deployment with Heroku



@ qiao 非常精彩的教程,以一个仿twitter的小项目为例子,一步一步的指导读者完成整个网站的搭建。同时教程中的每个步骤均包含了详细的单元测试,有助于读者养成良好的编程习惯。 @ Parano 前几章给初学者看很不错。。后面几章草草掠过基本没有太大帮助 @ 蝉 :无 @ Lowstz 函数参数可以不用放括号里面很不习惯,不过ruby api的代码倒是放括号里面了, BDD是亮点 @ 白乌鸦 英文难度比想象中的要简单,以后guides和Tutorial的笔记都写在这里 @ 祛酒童 对于rails项目的架构和目录结构没有一个很好的讲解,对于新手来说rails自动化命令帮助生成项目会掩盖掉很多细节的东西,如果能在这块做一个翔实的补充会是锦上添花的,是一本好书,作者语言非常平易近人,无太多生涩难懂的语句和单词。 @ boblu 很好用的书 @ No_Kidding~ 很好的新手教程 @ lsff 一不小心就写了个tiny版的微博~~~ @ Spike 看的第五版,标记一下


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