Red Capitalism

书名:Red CapitalismTheFragileFinancialFoundationofChina'sExtraordinaryRise
豆瓣评分: 8.4


This book presents the truth behind the rise of China and whether or not it will be able to maintain it. How did China transform itself so quickly? In "Red Capitalism: The Fragile Financial Foundation of China's Extraordinary Rise, Revised Edition" Carl Walter and Fraser Howie go deep inside the Chinese financial machine to illuminate the social and political consequences of the unique business model that propelled China to economic powerhouse status, and question whether this rapid ascension really lives up to its reputation. All eyes are on China, but will it really surpass the U.S. as the world's premier global economy? Walter and Howie aren't so certain, and in this revised and updated edition of "Red Capitalism" they examine whether or not the 21st century really will belong to China. The specter of a powerful China is haunting the U.S. and other countries suffering from economic decline and this book explores China's next move. Packed with new statistics and stories based on recent developments, this new edition updates the outlook on China's future with the most cutting-edge information available. Find out how China financed its current position of strength and whether it will be able to maintain its astonishing momentum. Indispensable reading for anyone looking to understand the limits that China's past development decisions have imposed on its brilliant future, "Red Capitalism" is an essential resource for anyone considering China's business strategies in today's extremely challenging global economy.


卡尔. 沃尔特, 在中国生活了20年,并积极参与了多项金融改革工作,他在1992年的中国企业首例海外IPO和1994年首批中国国有企业在纽约证券交易所上市过程中发挥了重要作用。他是中国第一家也是最成功的合资投资银行——中国国际金融有限公司的管委会成员,在那里,他支持了一批中国主要企业的股票和债券的发行。最近,他帮助全球主要投资银行创建了最成功和最有利可图的安全货币交易业务。他能说流利的普通话,毕业于北京大学,并拥有普林斯顿大学博士学位。现居纽约,是独立顾问。

弗雷泽. 豪伊, 曾在剑桥大学学习自然科学(物理),在北京语言文化大学学习中文。近20年来他一直从事亚洲股票交易和市场的分析、写作,同时在香港工作,在信托银行和摩根士丹利从事股权交易。1998年到中国,在中国国际金融有限公司销售和交易部门工作,后进入中国 M&A 管理公司。他曾加盟南华早报、亚洲华尔街日报、中国经济研究季刊和中国经济评论,并为CNBC、BBC、半岛电视台和彭博社撰写评论。他是一家帮助国际投资者在印度和中国市场投资的新加坡亚太经纪公司的董事总经理。




@ 热美式不加奶 中文版河蟹了就来这吧。股市那两章启发很大;债券那里我还是学得不够扎实 @ 宝宝TWO 文笔很差,让人读起来非常痛苦 @ Elf 内容很丰富的一本书,有些地方没有细读,有些地方没弄明白,有时间需要再读一次。 @ wstcll 补标 @ 白宇极 读过不能标记的中文版。 @ 水边沙外 拨云见月 @ 夏虫语冰 补标中文版,后悔没早看到 @ 揉碎月亮 很长知识。果然只有歪果仁才能写清楚贵国经济体系的本质,毕竟这书要是在国内出版估计中国人民都会迅速把钱从几大行里取出来() @ S1lence Solid, but hard to read without certain financial knowledge. @ 小米汤牛排 震撼,作者对中国金融体系的了解也许胜过很多国内所谓的专业人士


  • 中国的银行看起来很强大,实际上是脆弱的。就这一特征而言,它们与中国本身的特点是如此相似。在过去的很长一段时间里,中国人都十分注重表面功夫,并且对于掩盖深层次的问题十分在行。他们以往的经验告诉他们,这种策略是有效的。但是,与以往任何时间的情况不同的是,中国目前已经置身于一个更开放的广阔世界中。如果没有金融体制国际化的改革背景,或许就不会有广东国际信托投资公司的破产。同时,中国的金融体系自身也变得越来越复杂。这种复杂性已经开始侵蚀政府当局传统的解决问题的有效方法,那就是,简单地将钱从一个口袋转移到另一个口袋,然后把剩下的问题交给时间去解决,让人们逐渐淡忘掉所有的事情。这是一个百般纠结的金融疙瘩,仅仅依靠整个体制的经济规模、覆盖范围和看似无限的资本,是不能彻底解决银行问题的。
    —— 引自章节:第二章 中国的银行堡垒
  • We do not believe in Chinese exceptionalism. China's economy is no different from any other, in spite of the inevitable Chinese characteristics. If there are such things as economic laws, they work just as well in China and for Chinese businesses as they do in other markets. We also do not believe in the recent triumphalism of China's bankers and many of its leaders; this is only a diplomatic ploy. China's banks survived the global financial crisis, as one senior banker has publicly stated, simply because the financial system is closed off from the world. Having seriously studied the collapse of Mexico's peso in 1994, the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 and those sovereign-debt crises that have followed, China's political elite has no intention of exposing itself to international capital ma…
    —— 引自章节:preface
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