Neuro Web Design

书名:Neuro Web DesignWhatMakesThemClick?
豆瓣评分: 8.1


Why does someone decide to buy a product online or register at a website? Psychologists have known for years about the nonconscious forces that persuade people to take action. Neuro WebDesign applies the research on persuasion and decision making to the design of websites. Neuro WebDesign explains psychological research on social validation, reciprocity, fear of loss, contrast and other principles in an easy to understand way, and then goes on to show how to implement these powerful ideas. For example, why are customer ratings so important at a website, and what are the critical elements to include to make them even more effective? Does the order in which you provide choices have an unconscious effect on which one is chosen? Some books describe research; some books give advice on web design, but Neuro WebDesign combines the research on non-conscious decision-making and persuasion with web design advice.



@ Helicopter design for persuasion and the unconscious mind , human want to belong , its social validation . reciprocity and concession互惠让步原则 , invoking scarcity 事物稀缺, 人们反而更想要, 物以稀为贵。 尽量少的选择, speak to self-centered , unconscious mind , its all about you . @ Mr_Z 这一类的书读完以后,可以对现有互联网产品从心理学角度做些分析~应该是很有意思的一件事。没什么生词,作者写的还是很浅显易懂的~ @ Alien.bin 写的很不错,说不上对实际网站设计有直接的影响,但是作为和设计有关的心理学引路书可以了。要深入的话,每个章节可以都再去找对应的书研究。 @ RH 算是对一些心理学的现实应用的一个总结,但是还只是涉及到点,不够系统 @ [已注销] Initiative and elucidative for the newbies to the e-commerce design field.


  • We think that we are reasonable, rational people and that ourdecisions are made by careful thinking. But the reality is that theWeb site we pick, what we decide to do while there, and whetherwe buy or not are decisions and actions that we make in a largelyunconscious way.
    —— 引自第1页
  • Many of our decisions, reactions,and behaviors are governed by mental processes of whichwe are not even aware.
    —— 引自第1页
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