
豆瓣评分: 8.2


It's the little things that turn a good digital product into a great one. With this practical book, you'll learn how to design effective microinteractions: the small details that exist inside and around features. How can users change a setting? How do they turn on mute, or know they have a new email message? Through vivid, real-world examples from today's devices and applications, author Dan Saffer walks you through a microinteraction's essential parts, then shows you how to use them in a mobile app, a web widget, and an appliance. You'll quickly discover how microinteractions can change a product from one that's tolerated into one that's treasured. Explore a microinteraction's structure: triggers, rules, feedback, modes, and loops Learn the types of triggers that initiate a microinteraction Create simple rules that define how your microinteraction can be used Help users understand the rules with feedback, using graphics, sounds, and vibrations Use modes to let users set preferences or modify a microinteraction Extend a microinteraction's life with loops, such as "Get data every 30 seconds"


Dan Saffer is a Director of Interaction Design at Smart Design. He is the author of Designing for Interaction: Creating Innovative Applications and Devices (New Riders), Designing Gestural Interfaces (O'Reilly), and Designing Devices. Since 1995, he has designed appliances, devices, software, websites, and services that are used by millions of people every day.


@ Millie 此书在O'Reilly限时半价,优惠码“DEAL” @ 小土刀 很好的一本微交互入门书!用户体验设计师必须要读呀 @ 香蒲 triggers , rules , feedback , modes, testing . @ dushuI23 The examples are AWESOME!!! By the way, I'm not a big fan of invent-a-new-word-then-explain-as-I-want. However, that "microinteraction" idea looks promising. @ Sier 更新一版之后更好 @ 香蒲 triggers , rules , feedback , modes, testing . @ Rioli 对于微交互有细致的划分与原则指导,同时也给出了相当可观的案例。但是最后的串联部分过于执着地运用微交互,有点疲软了。 @ leeron 跟Jon Kolko都是CMU毕业的(是否同级没去考证),但却选择了两个截然不同的方向:Jon选择了大设计,一路走向了well design的Business vs design,思考也蛮有深度;而Dan在小设计里深挖,别有洞天,走向了情感化设计的极致。两人对我影响都很大!究竟什么是设计?我倾向于大方向后的小细节 @ Sier 更新一版之后更好 @ 小土刀 很好的一本微交互入门书!用户体验设计师必须要读呀


  • 在本书写作时(2013年3月),iOS6只允许在角标中显示数字,而且只允许显示4个角标。怎么办?如果闹铃事件是6:30,可以在角标中显示630,那要是12:30呢?1230能表达清楚吗?而且这样使用角标也不合规则,因为角标里的数字通常都用来表示未读信息的鄂数量。
    —— 引自第139页
  • The reason that slot machines – microinteractions device for sure – work so well at taking money from people is because of the feedback they provide. Most (read: all) of this feedback is insidious , designed specifically to keep people playing for as long as possible.
    —— 引自第84页
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