
豆瓣评分: 8.6


A gorgeously-illustrated deep dive into the immune system that will forever change how you think about your body – how it works and why it is both your greatest ally and most dangerous enemy – from the creator of the popular science YouTube channel Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell.


Philipp Dettmer is the founder and head writer of Kurzgesagt, one of the largest science channels on Youtube with over fifteen million subscribers and one billion views. After dropping out of high school at age fifteen, Philipp met a remarkable teacher who inspired in him a passion for learning and understanding the world. He went on to study history and information design with a focus on infographics. After college, Philipp started Kurzgesagt as a passion project to explain complicated ideas from a holistic perspective. When the channel took off, Philipp dedicated himself full-time to making difficult ideas engaging and accessible.


@ 阿莱克斯 非常好的科普,我也看过一些关于人体的纪录片,书也看过一些,但是都不如这本有趣,让人记忆深刻,这才是能吸引人的科普。各种打比方,各种或可爱或恶心或恐怖的小例子,想忘记都不可能啊。人类的免疫系统经过了千万年的进化,按照设定好的基因程序,每天都有大量的普通细胞和免疫细胞死亡更替,这一切都是自动的,也是会出错的,当错误无法纠正的时候,系统失败,生物体走向灭亡。五分之一的人最后都会得癌症,癌症就是细胞分裂累积下来的错误。不要相信提高免疫力的药品之类的话,正常饮食作息,规律锻炼,注重卫生不要过度清洁,让你的免疫系统正常工作就行了。人类由于城市聚居,给传染病提供了绝佳的繁衍机会,我们消除了一些疾病,会面对其他新型的疾病。人类基因中8%都是病毒,我们永远与疾病共存。 @ 斯图亚特9 An interesting brief introduction of human immune system.It is a fun read,the author is a good storyteller and translates the biology into "human language"(he uses enomorous vivid metaphores with cute pictures–love the colors he uses btw)I wonder if he was my highschool teacher in biology,I may have different career now. @ 唐超旬 好看!精彩!绝妙!绝对的神书!从细菌感染、病毒感染和自身免疫疾病三个方面介绍了免疫系统。不得不感叹大自然的鬼斧神工,整个免疫系统的工作原理像极了计算机系统。从双重认证启用高权限功能,到超时状态机复位,一切都那么精密而严谨。但就像安全系统的攻防,免疫系统仍有被薄弱环节被病毒利用,例如麻疹和HIV;也有bug,例如过敏。同时,也了解到原来太卫生也不利于免疫。最后,书中还介绍了新冠病毒。真是难得的好书,意犹未尽…… @ E 触目惊心的画面+重复重复再重复 让我对免疫系统充满感激(不抽烟 不纹身 不给免疫系统添麻烦


  • 基本上,有效的药物要具有这样的分子:它可以和病原体拥有的特定形状结合(与受体结合抗原不无相似之处),而这种形状又是人体没有的。原则上,这就是许多药物、特别是抗生素的工作机制,它们专门攻击细菌那些和人体细胞不同的构型。其实我们有几千种对付病毒感染的药物,但问题是,这些药大部分都很危险,甚至会致人死亡。许多药不到万不得已不能用,只有在病人命悬一线的情况下才能用。再想一想病毒的本性。我们可以在两个地方攻击病毒:体细胞外,或是体细胞内。要在细胞外攻击病毒,就要攻击那些能和体细胞受体结合的病毒蛋白。而这种方法最大、最突出的问题,就是能够抑制病毒蛋白的药物,也会跟人体的许多部分结合。因为病毒要和体细胞受体结合,就必须伪装成人体的一部分,这一部分还要具备某种关键功能。要是我们针对某类能结合这种体细胞受体的病毒来开发药物,那么,这种药物就很可能攻击所有能结合该受体的人体蛋白。要在细胞内攻击病毒,道理也是这样——我们无法生产扰乱病毒各新陈代谢环节的药,比如对付核糖体的药。因为病毒利用的就是人类的核糖体。好讨厌,但病毒太像人了,因为它就是利用人体的结构来自我复制的。
    —— 引自章节:题外话 为什么没有更好的抗病毒药?220
  • So you have probably heard that you have white blood cells and they are your immune cells or something like that. Well, while this name has its use in the right context it just generally means "the cells of the immune system" and I don't think immunology has done itself a favor with this term. "White blood cells" describes so many different cells that do so many different things that it is sort of useless if you want to understand what is really going on here. So you can forget "white blood cells" again because we are not going to use it.
    —— 引自第27页
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