Good to Great

书名:Good to GreatWhySomeCompaniesMaketheLeap…andOthersDon't
豆瓣评分: 8.2


Five years ago, Jim Collins asked the question, "Can a good company become a great company and if so, how?" In Good to Great Collins, the author of Built to Last, concludes that it is possible, but finds there are no silver bullets. Collins and his team of researchers began their quest by sorting through a list of 1,435 companies, looking for those that made substantial improvements in their performance over time. They finally settled on 11–including Fannie Mae, Gillette, Walgreens, and Wells Fargo–and discovered common traits that challenged many of the conventional notions of corporate success. Making the transition from good to great doesn't require a high-profile CEO, the latest technology, innovative change management, or even a fine-tuned business strategy. At the heart of those rare and truly great companies was a corporate culture that rigorously found and promoted disciplined people to think and act in a disciplined manner. Peppered with dozens of stories and examples from the great and not so great, the book offers a well-reasoned road map to excellence that any organization would do well to consider. Like Built to Last, Good to Great is one of those books that managers and CEOs will be reading and rereading for years to come. –Harry C. Edwards, Review


Jim Collins is coauthor of Built to Last,a national bestseller for over five years with a million copies in print.A student of enduring great companies,he serves as a teacher to leaders throughout the corporate and social sectors.Formerly a faculty member at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business,where he received the Distinguished Teaching Award,Jim now works from his management research laboratory in Boulder,Colorado.


@ 绛珠小草 本书基于数据分析总结了一个企业从优秀到卓越的一些特性,其道理及其简单却又是不容易把它变成一种公司的文化坚持做到的。比如书中提到的那个刺猬和狐狸的比喻:狐狸再狡猾,万变其谋,也抵不过刺猬团起来后360度无死角的防御。确实是,花哨的战略计划,不如做好核心竞争力。无论做企业还是做人,无外乎多思考三个问题,即书中所说的“Three Circles”:1) Know who you are and what… 本书基于数据分析总结了一个企业从优秀到卓越的一些特性,其道理及其简单却又是不容易把它变成一种公司的文化坚持做到的。比如书中提到的那个刺猬和狐狸的比喻:狐狸再狡猾,万变其谋,也抵不过刺猬团起来后360度无死角的防御。确实是,花哨的战略计划,不如做好核心竞争力。无论做企业还是做人,无外乎多思考三个问题,即书中所说的“Three Circles”:1) Know who you are and what's your strength 2) Know what drives you to success 3) Listen to your passion。这些启发还是让我更坚信自己应该跨出一步,走出学校了。 @ Peter Griffin 好书一枚 @ W踩云飞行 absolutely a GREAT book.唯一可惜的是我在如此糟糕的状态下读完的,削弱了它的影响力,却也给了我一点意义。让我依然相信坚持一定要做自己喜欢的事情! @ Wendy Like very many other management books, it could be a bit academically dry, since they are all research-based and put into different frameworks. But this is the best in its own category truthfully. Any… Like very many other management books, it could be a bit academically dry, since they are all research-based and put into different frameworks. But this is the best in its own category truthfully. Any greatest leader would need to have a thorough understanding and master every single point. I'm sure I will refer back to this book someday again. @ Wingsu 自己是没能力成为第5级经理人了,但是从书中学到了很多东西。 @ ❤. what you are deeply passionate about, what you can be the best in the world at, and what best drives your economic engine? @ 橙哈里 还是有一些nuggets的 @ 泰洛丹 专门在开车等红灯时看的书。太能写了,随时打断,随时入境。从第一句good is the enemy of great就被点燃,到最后flywheel彻底看嗨。摩羯座bezos奉为圣经不无道理。观感好。同意halo effect里说的观点主观,但是只要脑袋拍得好,主观不是问题。 @ 老吉姆 书中例子大多已过时,所以放下2020读的话,并无价值。amazon上对此书评价两极分化,我更觉得是time has given this book a black eye, 唯一值得看的是书中的flying wheel理论。 @ Anson Yang 1.Level 5 Leadership 2. First Who then what 3. Confront the brutal fact 4.Hedgehop Concept (Three circle concept) 5.Culture of Discipline 所以顺着这几步的话第一步是要先努力成为Level 5 Leader,道阻且长啊,现在才Level 1?‍♂️?‍♂️

1. Good is the enemy of great
2. Level 6 leadership
3. First who… then what
4. Confront the brutal facts (yet never lose faith)
5. The hedgehog concept (simplicity within the Three Circles)
6. A culture of discipline
7. Technology accelerators
8. The flywheel and the doom loop
9. From good to great to built to last
Epilogue: Frequently Asked Questions
Research appendices
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