Getting to Yes

书名:Getting to YesNegotiatingAgreementWithoutGivingIn
豆瓣评分: 8.4


This is by far the best thing I've ever read about negotiation. It is equally relevant for the individual who would like to keep his friends, property, and income and the statesman who would like to keep the peace. –John Kenneth Galbraith.


Roger Fisher is the Samuel Williston Professor of Law Emeritus, Director of the Harvard Negotiation Project, and the founder of two consulting organizations devoted to strategic advice and negotiation training.

William L. Ury co-founded Harvard's Program on Negotiation where he currently directs the Global Negotiation Initiative. He is the author of The Power of a Positive No How to Say No Still Get to Yes (2007) and co-author (with Roger Fisher) of Getting to Yes Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In , a five-million-copy bestseller translated into over twenty languages. "No other book in the field comes close to its impact on the way practitioners, teachers, researchers, and the public approach negotiation," comments the National Institute on Dispute Resolution. Ury is also author of the award-winning Getting Past No Negotiating with Difficult People and Getting To Peace (released in paperback under the title The Third Side).


@ 清 流 @ Yijing 每天都在各种扯皮中的人表示 要对理论进行检验 @ 独角仙 读此书除了提高谈判技巧,也有助减少日常吵架的几率。 @ 卤猪蹄 尼玛 课程必读 @ 笑一步是好青年 8/9-8/11/2020) 凑合吧。1. interests vs position: locate underlying principles and stress yours. 2. Invent options 3. Don’t take it personal or make it personal. 4. Imposing ur interests& 令对方自洽。5. Bring pp… 8/9-8/11/2020) 凑合吧。1. interests vs position: locate underlying principles and stress yours. 2. Invent options 3. Don’t take it personal or make it personal. 4. Imposing ur interests& 令对方自洽。5. Bring ppl back to principle. 6. BATNA, explicit vs invisible 7. 不接巴掌 8. recast attack as attack on问题。9.利用令对方不适来达到目的->don’t yield to pressure. @ Wenxin Separate the People from the Problem; Focus on Interests, not Positions; Invent Options for mutual gain; Insist on using Objective Criteria. 讲的蛮全面的,有一些点很新奇很有帮助,很合适的一本谈判课入门书。不过理论学的再好也要多多锻炼多多尝试才能会用。 @ 找不到马甲 非常系统的梳理,然而最难的是实践,尤其是自我控制 @ Wong AUDIBLE推荐其实还不错的 开始读了 6%今天 @ 复杂的胃口 Bargain over the interests, not position; @ 静? 当时的老师推荐


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