Fluent Python, 2nd Edition

书名:Fluent Python, 2nd EditionClear,Concise,andEffectiveProgramming
豆瓣评分: 9.3


Python’s simplicity lets you become productive quickly, but often this means you aren’t using everything it has to offer. With the updated edition of this hands-on guide, you’ll learn how to write effective, modern Python 3 code by leveraging its best ideas. Don’t waste time bending Python to fit patterns you learned in other languages. Discover and apply idiomatic Python 3 features beyond your past experience. Author Luciano Ramalho guides you through Python’s core language features and libraries and teaches you how to make your code shorter, faster, and more readable. Featuring major updates throughout the book, Fluent Python, second edition, covers: Special methods: The key to the consistent behavior of Python objects Data structures: Sequences, dicts, sets, Unicode, and data classes Functions as objects: First-class functions, related design patterns, and type hints in function declarations Object-oriented idioms: Composition, inheritance, mixins, interfaces, operator overloading, static typing and protocols Control flow: Context managers, generators, coroutines, async/await, and thread/process pools Metaprogramming: Properties, attribute descriptors, class decorators, and new class metaprogramming hooks that are simpler than metaclasses


Luciano Ramalho was a Web developer before the Netscape IPO in 1995, and switched from Perl to Java to Python in 1998. Since then he worked on some of the largest news portals in Brazil using Python, and taught Python web development in the Brazilian media, banking and government sectors. He has presented multiple talks at PyCon US, OSCON, FISL, Rupy, QCon and PythonBrasil. Ramalho is a fellow of the Python Software Foundation and co-founder of Garoa Hacker Clube, the first hackerspace in Brazil. He is co-owner of Python.pro.br, a training company.


@ Odyssey 看了网络上流传出来的未正式定稿的第二版,第二版作者应该是打算大幅度更新的,但是出版社那边应该是有页数限制,所以有一部分是放到了网页中,在ebook中是看不到的,内容很棒,描述清晰细致,并发以及异步io那块估计还得找专门的书再了解一下。这本书以及learning python那本书,是深入了解python绕不过去的书,只可惜lp那本书的作者不打算更新了。 @ 夏嘉莫察瓦绒 读完你就可以回答what makes python awesome,虽然不涉及到源码级别,但是是对python 内部逻辑的一个抽象总结,很好的进阶书籍。 @ 看多就懂了 老实说,这本书没看完,我是当工具书来查询的。之前关于 文字编码的问题,一直没弄懂,找了不少资料都云里雾里。看了这本书,有点弄明白了。这就是这本书深入某个知识点,把问题方方面面讲透的好处了。其他书籍这一点是做不到的。推荐给想好好学 python 的人,绝对推荐。 @ XYZ 切入的点比较乱,章节内排布也乱。果然只有我一个人觉得先看结果再看代码不舒服。先看子方程,再看总方程 @ 木木彬 用python好多年了,终于认真学习了下这门语言,这本书娓娓道来的解答了我的诸多疑惑,读的很仓促,以后遇见问题再来巩固相关的章节吧.唯一遗憾的是这本书没有讲__init__.py这个文件在module中的作用. @ 风乍起 计划重读新版


  • 加州大学两位教授(Brian Harvey 和Matthew Wright)的课件 — 两种计算机科学的教学观点:保守观点计算机程序在人类的思维中会变得非常庞大和复杂。因此,计算机科学教育的目的是教会人们如何训练它们的编程能力,比如以这种方式–让500个平庸的程序员聚集在一起,给出规格让他们生产出一个程序。激进观点计算机程序在人类的思维中会变得非常庞大和复杂。因此,计算机科学教育的目的是教会人们如何扩展自己的思维以和程序契合,学习更多的概念,将会比单一解决方法更加弹性和有用。一个程序每个单元的编程的想法都必须统观全局。
    —— 引自第1页
  • 发送时要保守,接收时要大方。 ——伯斯塔尔定律,又称稳健性法则
    —— 引自章节:8.5.7 抽象基类 212
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