Dream Big

书名:Dream BigHowtheBrazilianTriobehind3GCapital-JorgePauloLemann,MarcelTellesandBetoSicupiraAcquiredAnheuser-Busch,BurgerKingandHeinz
豆瓣评分: 7.5


My friend – and now partner – Jorge Paulo and his team are among the best businessmen in the world. He is a fantastic person and his story should be an inspiration to everybody, as it is for me." – Warren Buffett In just over forty years, Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Telles and Beto Sicupira built the biggest empire in the history of Brazilian capitalism and launched themselves onto the world stage in an unprecedented way. Over the past five years, they have acquired no fewer than three globally-recognized American brands: Budweiser, Burger King and Heinz. This has been achieved as discreetly as possible and they have shunned any personal publicity. The management method they developed, which has been zealously followed by their employees, is based on meritocracy, simplicity and constant cost cutting. Their culture is as efficient as it is merciless and leaves no room for mediocre performances. On the other hand, those who bring in exceptional results have the chance to become company partners and make a fortune. Dream Big presents a detailed behind-the-scenes portrait of the meteoric rise of these three businessmen, from the founding of Banco Garantia in the 1970s to the present day. In 1971, when the Brazilian stock market was going through an euphoria, Harvard graduate, tennis champion and underwater fishing enthusiast from Rio de Janeiro Jorge Paulo Lemann decided to start a new business. He assembled some partners and put out a newspaper ad: "Brokerage wanted." Days later, Lemann began running what would become the cornerstone of his fortune and those of over 200 other people. Its name was Garantia. The "Garantia model" was based on businesses that impressed Lemann, such as Goldman Sachs in finance and Walmart in retail. Its philosophy gave the best workers the opportunity to become shareholders.







@ 一味药 poor, smart, desire @ mingjiwu 巴西人写书真是记流水账… @ 目送飞鸿 https://abookaweek.zbf.me/dream-big-du-hou-gan-ge-dian-xing-lang-han-de-meng-xiang-zhi-lu @ uh duh 名气很大,实质内容极度极度一般,毫无干货,当故事书看 @ 目送飞鸿 巴西人写书真是记流水账… @ Flashing3 数次看到了和自己共鸣的部分,庆幸自己take the risks,巴西的昨天就是我们的今天。最好的时代! @ S. Wish it could cover the next 10 years @ 淡眼僧 企业文化很值得学习,meritocracy。


  • 在任何情况下,超越目标的人往往会得到额外的收入。这家啤酒公司所支付的薪水略低于同行水平的平均水准,不过,高达18个月额外薪水的奖金可以轻松抵消这一点。这个薪酬系统多年来调整过几次,但基本原则不变。员工通常会使用奖金换取公司的股票,公司很鼓励这种做法。而且为防止员工在短期内变现他们手中的股票,公司还会设置一些障碍。现实的做法是,那些使用所有奖金购买公司股票的人可以以免费获得其所购的数额10%的股票。问问题在于,这些额外的股票在5年后才能出售,而在这段时间之前离开的人,必须放弃他们获得的额外股份。
    —— 引自第223页
  • 我们有两张纸,一张涉及财务问题,主要讨论的是我们在新公司中所分配的股份价值多少。另一张则有关公司治治理,例如新董事会将如何组成,它会有什么功能,我们与比利时人合作的控股公司要如何运作。我们确定某些事情必须通过全体一致来决策,例如公司的出售。所有这些治理问题都非常重要,因为如果公司没法良好运作,那么持有公司x%的股份都是毫无意义的。我们写了这两张纸,并带给了股东,而且劝他们必须更好地了解彼此。雷曼、马塞尔及贝托认识范达默,但不认识其他家族的成员。这三个人后来在当年9月底与范达默本人、菲利普·史波尔贝赫( Philippe spoelberch)及阿诺德・普利特・德・卡尔斯伯格( Arnoud de pret de calesberg,此人是梅维乌斯家族的代表)举行了会议。在此之后,谈判加速了。”
    —— 引自第223页
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