书名:Why Fish Don't ExistAStoryofLoss,Love,andtheHiddenOrderofLife
豆瓣评分: 8.5
A wondrous nonfiction debut from the cofounder of NPR’s Invisibilia, Why Fish Don’t Exist tells the story of a 19th-century scientist possessed with bringing order to the natural world—a dark and astonishing tale that becomes an investigation into some of the biggest questions of our lives. When Lulu Miller was starting out as a science reporter, she encountered a story that would stick with her for a decade. It was the strange tale of a scientist named David Starr Jordan, who set out to discover as many of the world’s fish as he could. Decade by decade, he built one of the most important specimen collections ever seen. Until the 1906 San Francisco earthquake hit—sending over a thousand of his fish, housed in fragile glass jars, plummeting to the floor. In an instant, his life’s work was shattered. Miller knew what she would do if she were in Jordan’s shoes. She would give up, give in to despair. But Jordan? He surveyed the wreckage at his feet, found the first fish he recognized, and painstakingly began to rebuild his collection. And this time, he introduced one clever innovation that, he believed, would protect it against the chaos of the world. In Why Fish Don’t Exist, Miller digs into the passing anecdote she once heard about David Starr Jordan to tell his whole story. What was it that kept him going that day in 1906? What became of him? And who does he prove to be, in the end: a role model for how to thrive in a chaotic world, or a cautionary tale? Filled with suspense, surprise, and even a questionable death, this enchanting book interweaves science, biography, and a dash of memoir to investigate the age-old question of how to go on when everything seems lost.
Louisa Elizabeth Miller, better known as Lulu Miller, is an American writer, artist, and science reporter for National Public Radio. Miller's career in radio started as a producer for the WNYC program Radiolab. She now co-hosts the NPR show Invisibilia with Alix Spiegel.
@ Arrow Shaw 很久没有这么畅快地读书了。Jordan的部分写得非常精彩,整本书把对chaos, nihilism, faith和eugenics的讨论都用故事很完美地串在一起,不得不佩服作者的文字功底。积攒到最后亮出的punchline因为是生物学的常识没有立刻产生冲击,但紧接着有几个集大成的twist非常巧妙。对生命意义的思考最终到达的还是存在主义,特殊时期读倒是让人安心了。Let go of the fish, there will be grandeur in this view of life. @ 能吃能睡不能动 看到一半弃,不想再多花一小时。3.5最多,失望。抱着科普的期待来的,结果看了一堆八卦流水账。当我反应过来她引导读者默认主角是无名小卒立刻觉得太刻意搞叙诡不会是啥正经科普。对多线多主题交叉讲述并不陌生,今年刚读完写作方式非常类似的一本,复调,恕我直言比这本不知道高到哪里去了。是,失去七年的恋人让她很痛苦寂寞,但她自己的故事和科学家的哪个都不打动我,新幸福也是一股中产美剧的速食味。对人性反思相当一般,无非就是复杂多面动机单纯童年阴影适时放手增熵宿命。主题间的联系很浅弱。从思考深度上,鱼不存在,无非就是玫瑰的名字,但见识过同名小说中的老登豪尔赫这Jorden又算个啥,还被描述得轴的要命。她是真不太了解男人,也不了解她科学家父亲,前后那么多事她就关注jar和tag,分析收集癖心理。立靶子射箭了属于。 @ 阿狸 4.5 @ Emergency Exit 喜欢,读完之后后劲很大 @ 心想事成小憨憨 还是学到一些关于人为什么活着和怎么快速recover