Treasury's War

书名:Treasury's WarTheUnleashingofaNewEraofFinancialWarfare


Juan Zarate created "Treasury's War", as it became apparent that the war against terrorist networks and other national foes would need to have a financial dimension. Zarate and his colleagues invented financial warfare. The book goes behind the scenes in unprecedented detail to explain how a small group redefined the role of Treasury relying on its unique powers, relationships, and reputation, after the realization that the Treasury was critical to national security and needed to take advantage of the new financial security environment that had evolved. The key leverage was to be the private sector – feeding off of the dynamics in the international financial system in which private sector interests dovetailed directly with U.S. national security interests. Zarate inserted Treasury into all the key decisions being made within the government, proving its value to isolate rogue actors and to provide the President with as many options as possible between diplomacy and war. His efforts took him to North Korea, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Latvia, Cyprus, Burma, Cuba, Saudi Arabia and beyond. He faced down arms dealer Victor Bout, Dawood Ibrahim, the financier and organizer of the Mumbai bombings and the Iranian backed group Hizbollah. When Barack Obama succeeded to the presidency he left entirely intact the treasury's financial warfare team, a rare bipartisan concession and a recognition that the work they had been doing was at the leading edge of how America would continue to exercise influence and ensure its security in the world. There has been very little written about the unique story of the US's financial warfare campaigns and techniques developed and deployed over the last decade. This book is the definitive account, from the creator and chief architect.


Juan C. Zarate is the Chairman and Co-Founder of The Financial Integrity Network, the Chairman of the Center on Sanctions and Illicit Finance, and the senior national security analyst for NBC News/MSNBC. He is also a visiting lecturer on law at Harvard Law School; sits on various boards, including for the Vatican's Financial Information Authority; and is a senior advisor to a variety of national security think tanks. Prior to that, he served as the deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security advisor for combating terrorism, and the first ever assistant secretary of the Treasury for terrorist financing and financial crimes. He appears frequently on NBC News and MSNBC programs, PBS's NewsHour, NPR, and other outlets, and has written for the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, The Financial Times, and more. He and his family live in Alexandria, Virginia. Follow him on Twitter: @JCZarate1


@ Never Mind 布什政府时期财政部相关记述 @ Gregory汤 金融武器的威力不容小觑,以前读这书还在想这种金融战只是用来对付朝鲜、伊朗这样的国家。但是万万没想到现在我们就在经历这样的金融战争! @ Maverick 美元结算霸权 @ Guoqi “新”在金融工具从冻结资金到隔离孤立的转变上,面对俄乌冲突,北约能拿出手的工具也就金融隔离了,但欧盟怎么会放弃俄罗斯的天然气,况且,从历史看,俄罗斯经常击败其西方对手,只是因为其愿意承担更多痛苦。 @ uty 世界上哪个公司不合作,就上黑名单。惩罚一个国家,直接点名与其有合作的别国公司。这套工具现在都还在用,其中包括swift。 @ Maverick 美元结算霸权 @ Never Mind 布什政府时期财政部相关记述 @ Guoqi “新”在金融工具从冻结资金到隔离孤立的转变上,面对俄乌冲突,北约能拿出手的工具也就金融隔离了,但欧盟怎么会放弃俄罗斯的天然气,况且,从历史看,俄罗斯经常击败其西方对手,只是因为其愿意承担更多痛苦。 @ Gregory汤 金融武器的威力不容小觑,以前读这书还在想这种金融战只是用来对付朝鲜、伊朗这样的国家。但是万万没想到现在我们就在经历这样的金融战争! @ uty 世界上哪个公司不合作,就上黑名单。惩罚一个国家,直接点名与其有合作的别国公司。这套工具现在都还在用,其中包括swift。



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