Think Complexity

书名:Think ComplexityComplexityScienceandComputationalModeling
豆瓣评分: 8.1


Dive into Python's advanced possibilities, including algorithm analysis, graphs, scale-free networks, and cellular automata with this in-depth, hands-on guide. Whether you're an intermediate-level Python programmer, or a student of computational modeling, you'll examine data structures, complexity science, and other fascinating topics through a series of exercises, easy-to-understand explanations, and case studies. Think Complexity presents features that make Python such a simple and powerful language. Author Allen Downey provides code to help you get started, along with a solution for each exercise. With this book, you will: Work with graphs and graph algorithms, NumPy arrays and SciPy methods, basic signal processing and Fast Fourier Transform, and hash tables. Discover complexity science, the field that studies abstract models of complex physical systems, including power laws, fractals and pink noise, and Turing machines. Explore the philosophy of science through the models and results in this book about the nature of scientific laws, theory choice, and realism and instrumentalism, and more.


Allen B. Downey拥有加州大学伯克利分校的计算机科学博土学位和MIT的硕士与学土学位,现任美国欧林工程学院计算机科学系的教授,曾经在威尔斯利大学、科尔比学院和加州大学伯克利分校教授计算机科学相关的课程。曾经担任 Google的访问科学家,对复杂性科学和Python十分着迷,有较为深入的研究和丰富的实践经验。


@ 蝉 :无 @ codepiano 书虽然薄,把相关资料都看下来也是不少的时间 @ Alalanterne 如果不是python就好了,很薄也很快餐 @ 坏名字 爹,我的毕业大爹。回归正经书很好既可以当科普图一乐也可以提高计算机编程水平,力荐 @ 自娱者小五 《Think Python》引流过来的,是很浅显的入门书,胜在广而不胜在深,不过对于现阶段的我很有用,一是入门了networkx,如果不是为了测试代码我估计都不会去配置这个模块,后续做了不少图论的实验,多个工具;二是启发我结合pagerank算法研究一个新的课题,现在开了个头。练习没有完全跟做,另外代码部分有些错误,比较明显。 @ 自娱者小五 《Think Python》引流过来的,是很浅显的入门书,胜在广而不胜在深,不过对于现阶段的我很有用,一是入门了networkx,如果不是为了测试代码我估计都不会去配置这个模块,后续做了不少图论的实验,多个工具;二是启发我结合pagerank算法研究一个新的课题,现在开了个头。练习没有完全跟做,另外代码部分有些错误,比较明显。 @ 坏名字 爹,我的毕业大爹。回归正经书很好既可以当科普图一乐也可以提高计算机编程水平,力荐 @ apoz 泛读 @ 浙江大队长✨🌙 version2 py代码很详实,especially for usage of matplotlib and numpy. @ codepiano 书虽然薄,把相关资料都看下来也是不少的时间


  • Thomas Kuhn introduced the term “paradigm shift” in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions in 1962.
    —— 引自第3页
  • Reductionism holismReductionism is the view that the behavior of a system can be explained by understandingits components. For example, the periodic table of the elements is atriumph of reductionism, because it explains the chemical behavior of elementswith a simple model of the electrons in an atom. Holism is the view that somephenomena that appear at the system level do not exist at the level of components,and cannot be explained in component-level terms.
    —— 引自第6页
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