The Truths We Hold

书名:The Truths We HoldAnAmericanJourney


Senator Kamala Harris's commitment to speaking truth is informed by her upbringing. The daughter of immigrants, she was raised in an Oakland, California community that cared deeply about social justice; her parents–an esteemed economist from Jamaica and an admired cancer researcher from India–met as activists in the civil rights movement when they were graduate students at Berkeley. Growing up, Harris herself never hid her passion for justice, and when she became a prosecutor out of law school, a deputy district attorney, she quickly established herself as one of the most innovative change agents in American law enforcement. She progressed rapidly to become the elected District Attorney for San Francisco, and then the chief law enforcement officer of the state of California as a whole. Known for bringing a voice to the voiceless, she took on the big banks during the foreclosure crisis, winning a historic settlement for California's working families. Her hallmarks were applying a holistic, data-driven approach to many of California's thorniest issues, always eschewing stale "tough on crime" rhetoric as presenting a series of false choices. Neither "tough" nor "soft" but smart on crime became her mantra. Being smart means learning the truths that can make us better as a community, and supporting those truths with all our might. That has been the pole star that guided Harris to a transformational career as the top law enforcement official in California, and it is guiding her now as a transformational United States Senator, grappling with an array of complex issues that affect her state, our country, and the world, from health care and the new economy to immigration, national security, the opioid crisis, and accelerating inequality. By reckoning with the big challenges we face together, drawing on the hard-won wisdom and insight from her own career and the work of those who have most inspired her, Kamala Harris offers in THE TRUTHS WE HOLD a master class in problem solving, in crisis management, and leadership in challenging times. Through the arc of her own life, on into the great work of our day, she communicates a vision of shared struggle, shared purpose, and shared values. In a book rich in many home truths, not least is that a relatively small number of people work very hard to convince a great many of us that we have less in common than we actually do, but it falls to us to look past them and get on with the good work of living our common truth. When we do, our shared effort will continue to sustain us and this great nation, now and in the years to come.


Kamala D. Harris is a lifelong public safety and civil rights leader, and is currently serving as a U.S. Senator from California. She began her career in the Alameda County District Attorney's Office, then was elected District Attorney of San Francisco. As California's Attorney General, Kamala prosecuted transnational gangs, big banks, Big Oil, for-profit colleges and fought against attacks on the Affordable Care Act. Harris also fought to reduce elementary school truancy and pioneered the nation's first open data initiative to expose racial disparities in the criminal justice system and implemented implicit bias training for police officers. The second black woman ever elected to the U.S. Senate, Kamala has worked to reform our criminal justice system, raise the minimum wage, make higher education tuition-free for the majority of Americans, and protect the legal rights of refugees and immigrants.


@ 姜小白 从Back on Track到mortgage crisis,再到same-sex marriage,展现出来的那种对弱者的同理心让人感到希望。读到医药公司250亿美元的lobby真觉得夸张,政府被资本牵制天价药泛滥,穷人在医疗面前的那种脆弱接近最后一根稻草了,包括对中产的同情,要驯服资本、改革司法的决心跟执行力让人佩服。truancy crisis真的不夸张,非常有洞察力,真希望咱们的留守儿童也… 从Back on Track到mortgage crisis,再到same-sex marriage,展现出来的那种对弱者的同理心让人感到希望。读到医药公司250亿美元的lobby真觉得夸张,政府被资本牵制天价药泛滥,穷人在医疗面前的那种脆弱接近最后一根稻草了,包括对中产的同情,要驯服资本、改革司法的决心跟执行力让人佩服。truancy crisis真的不夸张,非常有洞察力,真希望咱们的留守儿童也能得到同样的优先级。非常优秀的attorney general,未来竞选总统只怕这种轻微社会主义的劫富济贫得不到广泛支持。自己还是傲慢,李光耀对华那种外交收敛表达就觉得舒服,Kamala这种直接还是略抵触。她活成了探春梦想的那种人生。 @ 風颭雲 【有聲書】對Senator Harris的了解源於美國國會聽證。她冷靜、尖銳、條理清晰且毫無妥協的提問方式令我對她肅然起敬。因為要參選總統,所以本書主旨是呈現她的政策平台。她所指出的政策問題在我看來的確是美國甚至世界上迫在眉睫的。她敘述的個人經歷很平易近人。尤其描述知道母親將不久於世后那段心理活動令我淚目。然而客觀地講,雖然Harris是一個很有能力檢察官和政客,但綜合來講相比于民主黨同僚Eliz… 【有聲書】對Senator Harris的了解源於美國國會聽證。她冷靜、尖銳、條理清晰且毫無妥協的提問方式令我對她肅然起敬。因為要參選總統,所以本書主旨是呈現她的政策平台。她所指出的政策問題在我看來的確是美國甚至世界上迫在眉睫的。她敘述的個人經歷很平易近人。尤其描述知道母親將不久於世后那段心理活動令我淚目。然而客觀地講,雖然Harris是一個很有能力檢察官和政客,但綜合來講相比于民主黨同僚Elizabeth Warren她還是遜色一些。如果2020大選民主黨能拿回白宮,Harris可以被提名為一個極其稱職的Attorney General。 @ 沙拉勺子 原本比较抵御campaign book,但是机缘巧合很快听完了有声书,还挺easy listening的。还是有收获的。 @ PetrichorDai (有声书)Kamala Harris于2019年1月21号正式宣布参与2020美国总统竞选。在这本Kamala D. Harris的回忆录里,详细记录了她做为加州司法部长时,如何起诉跨国团伙,大银行,大石油公司,营利性大学的故事。在其职业生涯早期做了很多事,而后期的政治生涯,尤其本书一直在强调的truths过于Black people only. 当然她的出身,大力宣扬这类观点也无可厚非,不过我很… (有声书)Kamala Harris于2019年1月21号正式宣布参与2020美国总统竞选。在这本Kamala D. Harris的回忆录里,详细记录了她做为加州司法部长时,如何起诉跨国团伙,大银行,大石油公司,营利性大学的故事。在其职业生涯早期做了很多事,而后期的政治生涯,尤其本书一直在强调的truths过于Black people only. 当然她的出身,大力宣扬这类观点也无可厚非,不过我很难感同身受。再次感到政治人物的自传真的不太适合我,包括Becoming。 @ 沙拉勺子 原本比较抵御campaign book,但是机缘巧合很快听完了有声书,还挺easy listening的。还是有收获的。 @ 姜小白 从Back on Track到mortgage crisis,再到same-sex marriage,展现出来的那种对弱者的同理心让人感到希望。读到医药公司250亿美元的lobby真觉得夸张,政府被资本牵制天价药泛滥,穷人在医疗面前的那种脆弱接近最后一根稻草了,包括对中产的同情,要驯服资本、改革司法的决心跟执行力让人佩服。truancy crisis真的不夸张,非常有洞察力,真希望咱们的留守儿童也… 从Back on Track到mortgage crisis,再到same-sex marriage,展现出来的那种对弱者的同理心让人感到希望。读到医药公司250亿美元的lobby真觉得夸张,政府被资本牵制天价药泛滥,穷人在医疗面前的那种脆弱接近最后一根稻草了,包括对中产的同情,要驯服资本、改革司法的决心跟执行力让人佩服。truancy crisis真的不夸张,非常有洞察力,真希望咱们的留守儿童也能得到同样的优先级。非常优秀的attorney general,未来竞选总统只怕这种轻微社会主义的劫富济贫得不到广泛支持。自己还是傲慢,李光耀对华那种外交收敛表达就觉得舒服,Kamala这种直接还是略抵触。她活成了探春梦想的那种人生。 @ PetrichorDai (有声书)Kamala Harris于2019年1月21号正式宣布参与2020美国总统竞选。在这本Kamala D. Harris的回忆录里,详细记录了她做为加州司法部长时,如何起诉跨国团伙,大银行,大石油公司,营利性大学的故事。在其职业生涯早期做了很多事,而后期的政治生涯,尤其本书一直在强调的truths过于Black people only. 当然她的出身,大力宣扬这类观点也无可厚非,不过我很… (有声书)Kamala Harris于2019年1月21号正式宣布参与2020美国总统竞选。在这本Kamala D. Harris的回忆录里,详细记录了她做为加州司法部长时,如何起诉跨国团伙,大银行,大石油公司,营利性大学的故事。在其职业生涯早期做了很多事,而后期的政治生涯,尤其本书一直在强调的truths过于Black people only. 当然她的出身,大力宣扬这类观点也无可厚非,不过我很难感同身受。再次感到政治人物的自传真的不太适合我,包括Becoming。 @ 風颭雲 【有聲書】對Senator Harris的了解源於美國國會聽證。她冷靜、尖銳、條理清晰且毫無妥協的提問方式令我對她肅然起敬。因為要參選總統,所以本書主旨是呈現她的政策平台。她所指出的政策問題在我看來的確是美國甚至世界上迫在眉睫的。她敘述的個人經歷很平易近人。尤其描述知道母親將不久於世后那段心理活動令我淚目。然而客觀地講,雖然Harris是一個很有能力檢察官和政客,但綜合來講相比于民主黨同僚Eliz… 【有聲書】對Senator Harris的了解源於美國國會聽證。她冷靜、尖銳、條理清晰且毫無妥協的提問方式令我對她肅然起敬。因為要參選總統,所以本書主旨是呈現她的政策平台。她所指出的政策問題在我看來的確是美國甚至世界上迫在眉睫的。她敘述的個人經歷很平易近人。尤其描述知道母親將不久於世后那段心理活動令我淚目。然而客觀地講,雖然Harris是一個很有能力檢察官和政客,但綜合來講相比于民主黨同僚Elizabeth Warren她還是遜色一些。如果2020大選民主黨能拿回白宮,Harris可以被提名為一個極其稱職的Attorney General。


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