The Sum of Small Things

书名:The Sum of Small ThingsATheoryoftheAspirationalClass
豆瓣评分: 7.3


How the leisure class has been replaced by a new elite, and how their consumer habits affect us all In today's world, the leisure class has been replaced by a new elite. Highly educated and defined by cultural capital rather than income bracket, these individuals earnestly buy organic, carry NPR tote bags, and breast-feed their babies. They care about discreet, inconspicuous consumption–like eating free-range chicken and heirloom tomatoes, wearing organic cotton shirts and TOMS shoes, and listening to the Serial podcast. They use their purchasing power to hire nannies and housekeepers, to cultivate their children's growth, and to practice yoga and Pilates. In The Sum of Small Things, Elizabeth Currid-Halkett dubs this segment of society "the aspirational class" and discusses how, through deft decisions about education, health, parenting, and retirement, the aspirational class reproduces wealth and upward mobility, deepening the ever-wider class divide. Exploring the rise of the aspirational class, Currid-Halkett considers how much has changed since the 1899 publication of Thorstein Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class. In that inflammatory classic, which coined the phrase "conspicuous consumption," Veblen described upper-class frivolities: men who used walking sticks for show, and women who bought silver flatware despite the effectiveness of cheaper aluminum utensils. Now, Currid-Halkett argues, the power of material goods as symbols of social position has diminished due to their accessibility. As a result, the aspirational class has altered its consumer habits away from overt materialism to more subtle expenditures that reveal status and knowledge. And these transformations influence how we all make choices. With a rich narrative and extensive interviews and research, The Sum of Small Things illustrates how cultural capital leads to lifestyle shifts and what this forecasts, not just for the aspirational class but for everyone.


Elizabeth Currid-Halkett is the James Irvine Chair in Urban and Regional Planning and professor of public policy at the University of Southern California. She is the author of The Warhol Economy and Starstruck . Her work has been featured in the Los Angeles Times, New York Times, New Yorker, and Wall Street Journal. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and their two sons.


@ 藕粽 理论和方法论的槽就不吐了。作者大多数时候都在津津乐道于文化精英的恶趣味(还拿自己举例)。除了最后两三页,散落在各处不成体系的批判显得言不由衷。以及完全不懂 FT 的专栏作家哪只眼睛看出来川普是这本书「房间里的那头大象」的。 @ 地下宇航员 其实就bourdieu的那一套 @ 悟空 散步的时候听,好几次都想弃书了,强迫症还是听到了最后。作者作为一个学者,逻辑非常潦草,不严谨。自己有一个观点,然后再随便找一些边角的数据去支持自己的观点,差评。学到一个有意思的词,frustrated achievers,这就是传说中的内卷吧。 @ Eudaimonia 观点并不新颖,方法论、理论和写作方式和导师Sharon很接近,想要写成通俗读物。简单来说就是文化精英早就不再以物质作为炫耀性消费,而转向了非炫耀性的教育、医疗、健康、食物等生活/投资方式来巩固阶级基础,“不自觉”地再生产了不平等。最后为了升华主题跳跃到了全球中产阶级的崛起… @ Gengiii✨ 挺有意思的,但寻求优越感本就是人类的天性吧,消费只是手段而已 @ 棉花老闆 观点抓人眼球,但看了3/4左右放弃。每个观点反复重申,多重案例证明,像个啰里八嗦的老师,喋喋不休地划重点。 @ c h l 3.5 @ 查無此人 大笑中读完 及不断提醒自己 可不能陷入消费主义的陷阱啊 哈哈 @ … 观点不新颖,车轱辘话翻来覆去地讲,却把它当作是什么晦涩难懂的定义要给它举上八百个例子。


Acknowledgments ix 1 The Twenty-first-Century "Leisure" Class 1 2 Conspicuous Consumption in the Twenty-first Century 24 3 Ballet Slippers and Yale Tuition: Inconspicuous Consumption and the New Elites 46 4 Motherhood as Conspicuous Leisure in the Twenty-first Century 78 5 Conspicuous Production 110 6 Landscapes of Consumption 148 7 "To Get Rich Is Glorious"? The State of Consumption and Class in America 182 Appendix 199 Notes 221 References 233 Index 247
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  • 在工业革命和蒸汽机发明以前,很多商品只有真正的富人才买得起,普通民众仍然无力负担缝纫机、打字机(维多利亚时代的“电子产品”)等物品。1851年在伦敦举办的万国工业博览会上,展示了莫里斯壁纸和钢琴等许多来自新兴工业国家的奢侈品,但它们都属于富人。随着机械化和专业化使批量生产变为现实,把这些纯正的消费品分配给不断壮大的中产阶级开始成为可能。模仿不再是靠近精英阶层的唯一方法。通过批量生产和快速信贷(从20世纪后半叶开始发展、更多人开始与精英阶层消费相同的产品。蒸汽机的出现引发了18世纪的工业革命,直到20世纪初,它仍然是世界上最重要的动机,后来才逐渐让位于内燃机和汽轮机等。
    —— 引自章节:第1章 21世纪的“有闲阶级”
  • 以制造业为主的经济的崩溃使社会和经济的流动性发生了明显改变。西方经济的去工业化(以美国和英国为代表)可以从以下三个方面加以说明:市场的过度饱和(一个家庭只能买那么多洗碗机),技术和自动化(机器成本低,而且在工厂生产线上生产速度比人快),以及全球化(其他地方的人工成本更低,运输技术和电脑的普及让生产外包至东南亚或南美洲成为可能)。4因此,那些能带来美好生活的高薪工厂工作在美国迅速消失。1970年,美国有1/4的劳动力受雇于制造业。然而到了2005年,这一数据下降到10%。35数字不仅仅是从统计的角度令人惊讶,同时也反映出制造业的衰退,而这直接关系到与之息息相关的中产阶级的社会经济契约。这些工作报酬丰厚,但相对缺乏技术含量,很多美国中产阶级因此无须凭借出身和当今社会向上流动所需的大学本科学历,就获得了成功、物质享受和经济与社会保障。而随着这类工厂工作流向发展中国家和工厂直销店的关闭,这些稳定的中产阶级也就失去了生存之道。去工业化不仅损害了主要城市中心区(许多工厂所在地),也让整个国家面临巨大的失业危机。“
    —— 引自章节:第1章 21世纪的“有闲阶级”
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