The Strange Order of Things

书名:The Strange Order of ThingsLife,Feeling,andtheMakingofCultures


From one of our preeminent neuroscientists: a landmark reflection that spans the biological and social sciences, offering a new way of understanding the origins of life, feeling, and culture. The Strange Order of Things is a pathbreaking investigation into homeostasis, the condition of that regulates human physiology within the range that makes possible not only the survival but also the flourishing of life. Antonio Damasio makes clear that we descend biologically, psychologically, and even socially from a long lineage that begins with single living cells; that our minds and cultures are linked by an invisible thread to the ways and means of ancient unicellular life and other primitive life-forms; and that inherent in our very chemistry is a powerful force, a striving toward life maintenance that governs life in all its guises, including the development of genes that help regulate and transmit life. In The Strange Order of Things, Damasio gives us a new way of comprehending the world and our place in it.


ANTONIO DAMASIO is University Professor; David Dornsife Professor of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Philosophy; and director of the Brain and Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California. Awards he has received include the Prince of Asturias Prize in Science and Technology, the Grawemeyer Award, the Honda Prize, and the Pessoa and Signoret prizes. In 2017 he received the Freud Medal from the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences. Damasio is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. He is the author of Descartes’ Error, The Feeling of What Happens, Looking for Spinoza and Self Comes to Mind, all of which have been published in translation and are taught in universities throughout the world. The Strange Order of Things will be published by Pantheon Books in February 2018.


@ 二七小婊贝儿。 “脑和心智影响身体的程度,与身体影响脑和心智的程度完全一样。它们根本就是同一事物的两个方面”。此书敏锐而不同寻常地聚焦于“情感”(feeling,情绪、感受等)这个主题,关注情感的生物学进化如何促进人类这个物种的繁荣,如何刺激科学、医学、宗教和艺术的发展。“当我回头审视《笛卡尔的错误》时,感觉比起我现在说的话,实在是太温和羞怯了。”他知晓自己的新书会彻底激怒 “脑是人体的君王”这一观点的信奉者。心智并不仅仅是神经系统的产物。你之所以是你,你的思想,你的情感,你精神领域的一切,全都是你的神经元,而不是别的什么。我们都远不止是神经元。仅有神经元的话,我们心中并不会漾起任何情感。神经系统在一刻不停地与机体的其他部分相互作用、相互合作。神经系统之所以存在的首要原因,就是因为它能辅助机体的其他部分 @ 萌萌站起来 Other than homeostasis, enduring and flourishing, there's nothing left of it that I could remember. This is the first book that has fatigued me to the extent that I thought I'd enjoy the second half the book but I simple couldn't continue. This is a thesis, not a book. @ 二七小婊贝儿。 “脑和心智影响身体的程度,与身体影响脑和心智的程度完全一样。它们根本就是同一事物的两个方面”。此书敏锐而不同寻常地聚焦于“情感”(feeling,情绪、感受等)这个主题,关注情感的生物学进化如何促进人类这个物种的繁荣,如何刺激科学、医学、宗教和艺术的发展。“当我回头审视《笛卡尔的错误》时,感觉比起我现在说的话,实在是太温和羞怯了。”他知晓自己的新书会彻底激怒 “脑是人体的君王”这一观点的信奉者。心智并不仅仅是神经系统的产物。你之所以是你,你的思想,你的情感,你精神领域的一切,全都是你的神经元,而不是别的什么。我们都远不止是神经元。仅有神经元的话,我们心中并不会漾起任何情感。神经系统在一刻不停地与机体的其他部分相互作用、相互合作。神经系统之所以存在的首要原因,就是因为它能辅助机体的其他部分 @ 小胖小胖 Other than homeostasis, enduring and flourishing, there's nothing left of it that I could remember. This is the first book that has fatigued me to the extent that I thought I'd enjoy the second half the book but I simple couldn't continue. This is a thesis, not a book. @ 萌萌站起来 戏精推荐 啥玩意儿这都是 @ Visada 【听】


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