书名:The Rust Programming Language (Covers Rust 2018)CoversRust2018
豆瓣评分: 8.7
The official book on the Rust programming language, written by the Rust development team at the Mozilla Foundation, fully updated for Rust 2018. The Rust Programming Language is the official, definitive guide to Rust, a hugely popular, community-supported programming language. This is the second edition of the improved version of the free online Rust book, so well-loved in the Rust community that it is simply referred to as "the Book". Programmers love Rust because it allows them to write powerful code efficiently, without the risk of crashes and errors common in languages like C and C++. This book will show readers how to use Rust's robust type system to keep programs memory-safe and speedy, and make the most of the Cargo package manager that brings the pieces of a program together. The reader will learn all about Rust's ownership rules, which lie at the heart of Rust's reliability and crash-resistant compiling. The Rust Programming Language covers everything from basic concepts like variable bindings, control flow, functions, and error handling, to more advanced topics, such as crates, generics, concurrency, and the nitty gritty of Rust's type system. With improved organization, hands-on features, and a more tutorial-oriented style, this version offers a vast improvement over the original. The second edition also provides an entirely new chapter on macros and an expanded chapter on crates, two key aspects of Rust that make it so popular. Readers will also find extra appendices on Rust development tools and Rust versions.
Steve Klabnik is the Community Team Leader for the Rust team at Mozilla, in charge of official Rust community documentation as well as the key Rust community advocate. Klabnik is a frequent speaker at conferences and one of the world's most prolific contributors to Rails projects.
Carol Nichols is a member of the Rust Community Team. She's been active in the Rust community and is an organizer of the Rust Belt Rust Conference.
@ Clover 建议去读官网上的版本,再配合官方的reference @ qwertydvorak 易读。缺的细节可以去看另一本《Programming Rust》 @ 高端洋气大黄瓜 The book is great! @ 夏夜寂寞属壁虎 这本是Rust入门必看书籍之一了(笑 不过感觉还是直接抛项目过来上手更快,所以这本书我只是有时回过头复习一下一些概念。P.S. 我用Rust写玩具CLI和玩具服务器的手感相当好,除了Rust语言本身之外这方面的生态也不错,够省心。 @ remones 挺不错的,适合我这种 Rust 新手入门,但是 Rust 语法知识点太散碎了,还没有看到一本书能涵盖全的(摔! @ honey 中规中矩,does the job…看完送给组里小朋友了,看看新周期的proj,她应该也用不上了 @ wuzhouhui 不错. @ 於清樂 官方的文档,感觉写的还是不错的。至少比其他语言的官方文档平易近人多了。