书名:The Question Concerning Technology in ChinaAnEssayinCosmotechnics
豆瓣评分: 8.1
Heidegger's landmark critique of modern technology and its relation to metaphysics has been widely accepted in the East. Yet the conception that there is only one-originally Greek-type of techne has been an obstacle to any original critical thinking of technology in modern Chinese thought. This book argues for the urgency of imagining a specifically Chinese philosophy of technology capable of responding to Heidegger's conception and problematizing the affirmation of technics and technologies as anthropologically universal. Yuk Hui's systematic historical survey of Chinese thought in comparison to the antique philosophy in Europe explains why there is no systematic thinking of technics in Chinese thought. His subsequent investigation of the historical-metaphysical questions of modern technology, drawing on Lyotard, Simondon, and Stiegler, then sheds new light on the obscurity of the question of technology in China. Why has time never been a real question for Chinese philosophy, how has the category of Qi transformed in its relation to Dao in Chinese metaphysical discourse, and how might Chinese thought contribute to a renewed questioning of globalized technics?
Yuk Hui is currently research associate at the ICAM of Leuphana University in Germany. He is co-editor of 30 Years after Les Immatériaux: Art, Science and Theory (Meson Press, 2015) and author of On the Existence of Digital Objects (University of Minnesota Press, 2016).
@ 一麻袋瓜 技术(technic)概念在中国并未产生,中国的“技术”不同于希腊语起源techne以及普罗米修斯主义。许煜通过海德格尔对于在地,特殊性的思路构想一种相对化的,与起源论相关的宇宙技术,最终构建新世界史。中国既是一个例证,也是一个方法,不可避免地涉及牟宗三,李约瑟和京都学派。许煜希望解绑器-道作为道德哲学层面上的连结,牟宗三“良知的自我坎陷”提供了一种中国哲学的思路:通过向外绕道固有概念实现对于中国哲学的肯定,重新思考器-道基础以及发展新认识论,transduction(西蒙栋)取代translation。宇宙技术指向对于同质化的acc主义的拒绝,也小心翼翼地将海德格尔的“归乡”概念与京都-杜金(≈海德格尔的自身的nazi位面)-***关于“本真性”的fxs主义/技术民族主义划清界限。
§1 The Becoming Of Prometheus; §2 Cosmos, Cosmology, And Cosmotechnics; §3 Technological Rupture And Metaphysical Unity; §4 Modernity, Modernisation, And Technicity; §5 What Is The ‘Ontological Turn’ For?; §6 Some Notes On Method
Part 1. In Search of Technological Thought in China
§7 Dao And Cosmos: The Principle Of The Moral; §8 Techne As Violence; §9 Harmony And The Heaven; §10 Dao And Qi: Virtue Contra Freedom; §10.1 Qi And Dao In Daoism: Pao Ding’s Knife; §10.2 Qi And Dao In Confucianism: Restoring The Li; §10.3 Remarks On Stoic And Daoist Cosmotechnics; §11 Qi-Dao As Resistance: The Gu Wen Movement In The Tang Period; §12 The Materialist Theory Of Ch’i In Early Neo-Confucianism; §13 Qi-Dao In Song Yingxing’s Encyclopaedia During The Ming Dynasty; §14 Zhang Xuecheng And The Historicisation Of Dao; §15 The Rupture Of Qi And Dao After The Opium Wars; §16 The Collapse Of Qi-Dao; §16.1 Carsun Chang: Science And The Problem Of Life; §16.2 The Manifesto For A China-Oriented Cultural Development, And Its Critics; §17 Needham’s Question; §17.1 The Organic Mode Of Thought And The Laws Of Nature; §18 Mou Zongsan’s Response; §18.1 Mou Zongsan’s Appropriation Of Kant’s Intellectual Intuition; §18.2 The Self-Negation Of Liangzhi In Mou Zongsan; §19 The Dialectics Of Nature And The End Of Xing Er Shang Xue
Part 2. Modernity and Technological Consciousness
§20 Geometry And Time; §20.1 The Absence Of Geometry In Ancient China; §20.2 Geometrisation And Temporalisation; §20.3 Geometry And Cosmological Specificity; §21 Modernity And Technological Consciousness; §22 The Memory Of Modernity; §23 Nihilism And Modernity; §24 Overcoming Modernity; §25 Anamnesis Of The Postmodern; §26 The Dilemma Of Homecoming; §27 Sinofuturism In The Anthropocene; §28 For Another World History
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