The Python Standard Library by Example

书名:The Python Standard Library by Example
豆瓣评分: 7.9


"Hellmann's writing has become an indispensable resource for me and many others as it fills a critical gap in Python Documentation with examples." — Jesse Noller, Python Core Developer and PSF Board Member Master the Powerful Python Standard Library through Real Code Examples The Python Standard Library contains hundreds of modules for interacting with the operating system, interpreter, and Internet–all extensively tested and ready to jump-start your application development. The Python Standard Library by Example introduces virtually every important area of the Python 2.7 library through concise, stand-alone source code/output examples, designed for easy learning and reuse. Building on his popular Python Module of the Week blog series, author and Python expert Doug Hellmann focuses on "showing" not "telling." He explains code behavior through downloadable examples that fully demonstrate each feature. You'll find practical code for working with text, data types, algorithms, math, file systems, networking, the Internet, XML, email, cryptography, concurrency, runtime and language services, and much more. Each section fully covers one module, and links to valuable additional resources, making this book an ideal tutorial and reference. Coverage includes *Manipulating text with string, textwrap, re, and difflib*Implementing data structures: collections, array, queue, struct, copy, and more*Reading, writing, and manipulating files and directories*Regular expression pattern matching*Exchanging data and providing for persistence Archiving and data compression*Managing processes and threads*Using application "building blocks": parsing command-line options, prompting for passwords, scheduling events, and logging*Testing, debugging, and compilation*Controlling runtime configuration*Using module and package utilities If you're new to Python, this book will quickly give you access to a whole new world of functionality. If you've worked with Python before, you'll discover new, powerful solutions and better ways to use the modules you've already tried.


Doug Hellmann目前是Racemi公司的一位高级开发人员,也是Python Software Foundation的信息交流主管。从1.4版开始他就一直在做Python编程,曾在大量UNIX和非UNIX平台上参与项目开发,涉及领域包括地图、医疗新闻播报、金融和数据中心自动化。为《Python Magazine》做了一年普通专栏作家后,他在2008—2009年成为这家杂志的主编。自2007年以来,Doug在他的博客上发表了颇受关注的“Python Module of the Week”系列。他居住在乔治亚州的Athens。


@ 成昆老贼 这种书本来就不是用来通读的,而是有需要的时候去翻阅,写程序忘掉那个库查那个库,好用。 @ 李鼎(哲良) 标准库是语言本身的关键组成部分。 @ fastzhong pythoner的必备工具书,陆路续续在看,大部头啊,读完我可能也快不行了。另一本大部头python cookbook有点旧了(2005),新版还未出。 @ tomsheep 好长 @ 一只黑眼睛看着大千世界 翻阅了一下,书很新,基于Python2.7和3,事无巨细地为几乎全部标准库的功能列举了基本例子。相比官方文档,缺少明确的模块、类、函数定义,而其样例又没好多少,查找起来又麻烦。还是官方文档靠谱…… @ 流浪的龙 鉴于Doug同志提供了免费版,我决定给五星 @ 成昆老贼 这种书本来就不是用来通读的,而是有需要的时候去翻阅,写程序忘掉那个库查那个库,好用。 @ 映天蓝 作为字典,你说我是读过呢,是读过呢,还是读过呢? @ 李鼎(哲良) 标准库是语言本身的关键组成部分。 @ foresightyj 不错的参考,没事的时候,放在手机的ebook里面,在排队的时候找一个章节看看也不错。


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