书名:The Passionate ProgrammerCreatingaRemarkableCareerinSoftwareDevelopment
豆瓣评分: 8.1
Success in today's IT environment requires you to view your career as a business endeavor. In this book, you'll learn how to become an entrepreneur, driving your career in the direction of your choosing. You'll learn how to build your software development career step by step, following the same path that you would follow if you were building, marketing, and selling a product. After all, your skills themselves are a product. The choices you make about which technologies to focus on and which business domains to master have at least as much impact on your success as your technical knowledge itself; don't let those choices be accidental. We'll walk through all aspects of the decision-making process, so you can ensure that you're investing your time and energy in the right areas. You'll develop a structured plan for keeping your mind engaged and your skills fresh. You'll learn how to assess your skills in terms of where they fit on the value chain, driving you away from commodity skills and toward those that are in high demand. Through a mix of high-level, thought-provoking essays and tactical 'Act on It' sections, you will come away with concrete plans you can put into action immediately. You'll also get a chance to read the perspectives of several highly successful members of our industry from a variety of career paths. As with any product or service, if nobody knows what you're selling, nobody will buy. We'll walk through the often-neglected world of marketing, and you'll create a plan to market yourself both inside your company and to the industry in general. Above all, you'll see how you can set the direction of your career, leading to a more fulfilling and remarkable professional life.
Chad Fowler 国际知名的软件开发人员、培训师、经理、演说家和音乐人。近十年来,他在几家国际知名的公司工作过,与很多受人钦佩的软件开发人员共事。他热爱编程,目前是InfoEther公司的首席技术执行官,主要负责为客户解决Ruby语言上的难题。他还写过软件开发方面的书籍。
@ 苦难的历程 道理都是对的,简言之就是经常自我反思,不要太痴迷某种技术,而是要了解bussiness运行模式,要有大局观念。不要温水朱青蛙,要有清晰的职业规划。增加network,不要panic,时刻保持镇定。得失心不要太强。讲的都是几乎所有人都知道的大道理。当然如果有人认真执行,生活里时刻都能像书里写的这么做,运气不差也不太笨的话,应该会比较成功。差不多这样吧。作者有点啰嗦。经常好几个章节将同一件事情。翻来覆去有点无聊。 @ whily stage fin d'études结束的时候tuteur送给我的。一个有个娃还天天像个孩子一样的程序员,擅长给各种手下施加压力,大家都怕他怕的不行,但是对我却很好,给我和ying都送了书,我们都能感觉到他对我们的期望。本来觉得这本书是打鸡血,最后却是献真情,可操作性强,而程序员需要懂business和marketing之类的事情让我很受启发。但是程序员的立身之本当然还是技术,所以打算重拾Open Source了。工作要更用心嗯