The New Jim Crow

书名:The New Jim CrowMassIncarcerationintheAgeofColorblindness
豆瓣评分: 8.0


The New Jim Crow was initially published with a modest first printing and reasonable expectations for a hard-hitting book on a tough topic. Now, ten-plus printings later, the long-awaited paperback version of the book Lani Guinier calls "brave and bold," and Pulitzer Prize–winner David Levering Lewis calls "stunning," will at last be available. In the era of colorblindness, it is no longer socially permissible to use race, explicitly, as a justification for discrimination, exclusion, and social contempt. Yet, as legal star Michelle Alexander reveals, today it is perfectly legal to discriminate against convicted criminals in nearly all the ways that it was once legal to discriminate against African Americans. Once you're labeled a felon, the old forms of discrimination—employment discrimination, housing discrimination, denial of the right to vote, denial of educational opportunity, denial of food stamps and other public benefits, and exclusion from jury service—are suddenly legal. Featured on The Tavis Smiley Show, Bill Moyers Journal, Democracy Now, and C-Span's Washington Journal, The New Jim Crow has become an overnight phenomenon, sparking a much-needed conversation—including a recent mention by Cornel West on Real Time with Bill Maher&mdas;about ways in which our system of mass incarceration has come to resemble systems of racial control from a different era.


A longtime civil rights advocate and litigator, Michelle Alexander won a 2005 Soros Justice Fellowship and now holds a joint appointment at the Moritz College of Law and the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio State University. Alexander served for several years as the director of the Racial Justice Project at the ACLU of Northern California, which spearheaded the national campaign against racial profiling. At the beginning of her career she served as a law clerk on the United States Supreme Court for Justice Harry Blackmun. She lives outside Columbus, Ohio.


@ Capio 路上听书解读:大部分对非裔美国人的拦路搜查最终并未进入诉讼程序,而是通过辩诉协议得到解决,其实也就是说在法院开庭之前,控诉方的检察官和被告的代表律师进行协商,其中被告表示认罪或者说即使不认罪但是也不会进行辩解,以便获取撤销指控或者从宽处理。在这样的情况下,即使没有犯罪,嫌疑人也会认罪,以获得较宽厚的处罚。由于社会上存在如此多的高度限制性法律政策,毒品罪犯重返社会的机会微乎其微。结果,就形成了一个恶性循环。与“吉姆·克劳法”类似,这一新的压迫制度也是由白人精英创造的,其实他们正是利用了白人工薪阶层的焦虑和种族仇恨,来为他们的政治利益服务。白人政治精英将人们的注意力吸引到他们所谓的危险“异类”身上,也就是非裔美国人的身上,这样他们就可以把选民的注意力从其他紧迫的政治问题上分散开来。 @ 穆目 最后一章很感动 @ … 讲了一些我默认合理的结果导向行为,例如“因为一个人是黑人就去查他的包后发现了包中毒品,因此给他定罪,那查包这个行为合理吗?对于这个个体公平吗?” 但是现在这群作者可能深谙大众会对一个具体的个体案例更有共情感的道理导致同样的话题被翻来覆去举例讲故事,有点冗长…… @ 结巴郁 没想到这种高校畅销书豆瓣上居然只有几十个人读过,read part of it when I was a sophomore,当时读了不少政治正确的书-the tones are generally "without identifying the existing racial caste system, this thing will never end." @ 猫头鹰Odell 超棒!很多引人思考的点,有助于重新认识美国的种族主义,感觉作者有在收马克思主义影响,有触碰到阶级的点但是可以再进一步跳出资本主义的框架来看。的确解决种族主义还是任重道远。 @ 疾走 I thought I knew a good amount about the racial system in the U.S., not really, after reading this book. The democrats aren't necessarily minorities' best friends. Very long, but a good read. @ FishyBrid De jure segregation continues and deteriorates @ 闲人虫牙? 一篇论文的事情被写成了整整一本书 @ 大娃许 读这本书是为了了解美国政治,了解这个国家的原罪,来帮助理解现在的冲突。作者把slavery -> Jim Crow -> mass incarceration这中间的脉络串起来了,中间对于数据的解读(interpretation)可能没达到学术上的严谨,但事实(facts)还是很震撼的。

1. The Rebirth of Caste
2. The Lockdown
3. The Color of Justice
4. The Cruel Hand
5. The New Jim Crow
6. The Fire This Time
· · · · · ·


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