The Meaning of Mariah Carey

书名:The Meaning of Mariah Carey
豆瓣评分: 8.5


It took me a lifetime to have the courage and the clarity to write my memoir. I want to tell the story of the moments – the ups and downs, the triumphs and traumas, the debacles and the dreams, that contributed to the person I am today. Though there have been countless stories about me throughout my career and very public personal life, it’s been impossible to communicate the complexities and depths of my experience in any single magazine article or a ten-minute television interview. And even then, my words were filtered through someone else’s lens, largely satisfying someone else’s assignment to define me. This book is composed of my memories, my mishaps, my struggles, my survival and my songs. Unfiltered. I went deep into my childhood and gave the scared little girl inside of me a big voice. I let the abandoned and ambitious adolescent have her say, and the betrayed and triumphant woman I became tell her side. Writing this memoir was incredibly hard, humbling and healing. My sincere hope is that you are moved to a new understanding, not only about me, but also about the resilience of the human spirit. Love, Mariah


Mariah Carey is an American artist of Black and Irish ancestry.

She is an award-winning singer, songwriter, producer, actress, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. She has recorded 15 studio albums and holds numerous industry records, including the most number-one singles of any solo artist in history.

She has received many accolades, honors, and distinctions throughout her career, including the Congressional Award for her charitable work with youth through the Fresh Air Fund's Camp Mariah. She is an inductee into the Songwriters Hall of Fame. Carey remains forever thankful and fiercely loyal to her global family of fans.

Ms. Carey is the mother of two children, Moroccan and Monroe.


@ bpmfh? 读起来感觉很跳tone。也许现在对于牛姐来说写自传还为时过早,很多部分写得都很浅,很碎片化,可能是因为很多事情她还没准备好或者现在还不能向公众坦露。她选择把书的大部分内容都用来写她人生中经历的低谷和不幸。作为粉丝来说,当然觉得写这些是很有必要的,很多内容读起来也颇有感触,尽管大部分故事梗概都是之前已经听说过的,但作为一本自传,觉得还是空缺太多内容了,她人生中很多重要moment都没怎么写。另外,不… 读起来感觉很跳tone。也许现在对于牛姐来说写自传还为时过早,很多部分写得都很浅,很碎片化,可能是因为很多事情她还没准备好或者现在还不能向公众坦露。她选择把书的大部分内容都用来写她人生中经历的低谷和不幸。作为粉丝来说,当然觉得写这些是很有必要的,很多内容读起来也颇有感触,尽管大部分故事梗概都是之前已经听说过的,但作为一本自传,觉得还是空缺太多内容了,她人生中很多重要moment都没怎么写。另外,不厌其烦地赘述她不同时候的各种装扮还有豪华场面真的有必要吗?她还真是我们一直所了解的那个牛姐。哎,可能是我之前期待值过高,就当牛姐写了本“月子”吧。 @ JustSophie 玛哲圣经 @ 叶又呱 建议豆瓣【男人皆祸害】小组人才引入mimi。比较令人惊讶的是,她其实一点也不懒,对自己的艺术作品非常珍重,以及她的人生也bleak过,才像现在一样的festive。 总的来说还是不功不过的self promotion用自传,但是mimi的念书的声音真的太美妙了,太适合做儿童读物的有声书了。 @ FreedomArcher 相当大篇幅都在写牛姐的童年和家庭关系,牛姐真的太不容易了。 @ CrackPages 百分之九十都是在讲述自己的创伤,可见十分个人化,但有时候负能量的东西重复太多作为听者会听得不太舒服,有时候克制一些反而效果会更好。 @ Leo 以她高中毕业的学识,能交出一本颇具可读性的书实属不易。毫无疑问,她是极其精明的。你可以讨厌她,但你难以看低她。一双儿女尚未成年,与Nick的恩怨情仇尚未揭开。期待后续,毕竟比起Elusive里的绝望,Butterfly里的苦闷简直小儿科。 @ FreedomArcher 相当大篇幅都在写牛姐的童年和家庭关系,牛姐真的太不容易了。 @ 三元一把配钥匙 Mariah Carey开门见山地告诉大家She refuses to acknowledge time,她的生活是moment to moment, festival to festival组成,所以阅读的时候章节之间当然是跳跃的。但结合起她的音乐来读来听,又是那么真实自然。有声版更是绝妙的体验,我第一次在audio book里听到有人多声轨唱歌。Wait a minute, this is t… Mariah Carey开门见山地告诉大家She refuses to acknowledge time,她的生活是moment to moment, festival to festival组成,所以阅读的时候章节之间当然是跳跃的。但结合起她的音乐来读来听,又是那么真实自然。有声版更是绝妙的体验,我第一次在audio book里听到有人多声轨唱歌。Wait a minute, this is too Mi! @ CrackPages 百分之九十都是在讲述自己的创伤,可见十分个人化,但有时候负能量的东西重复太多作为听者会听得不太舒服,有时候克制一些反而效果会更好。 @ Cynbria 不是她的粉也听得很有乐趣,一路走来真不容易


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