The Four Agreements

书名:The Four AgreementsAPracticalGuidetoPersonalFreedom
豆瓣评分: 8.1


Don Miguel Ruiz reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. This 4-color illustrated edition of "The Four Agreements "commemorates its 10-year anniversary. With 7 years on "The New York Times "bestseller list and nearly 4 million copies in print, "The Four Agreements "continues to top numerous bestseller lists.



@ Stay alive❤️ Listen to the audiobook.For me,"Don't take anything personally"&"Don't make assumptions" are essential. Your own imagination may ruin everything. Just experience the process whether it is good or bad…. Listen to the audiobook.For me,"Don't take anything personally"&"Don't make assumptions" are essential. Your own imagination may ruin everything. Just experience the process whether it is good or bad. Tough, but there is always a way out. @ 彳亍 去参加了meetup这本书的读书会,一个很spirtual的读书会组织- -文字很通俗易懂。对我来说,我觉得be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make assumption这三点对我来说超级简单- -但是always do your best对我来说好难。问其他人你们难道不是把工作就只是当作工作么… 去参加了meetup这本书的读书会,一个很spirtual的读书会组织- -文字很通俗易懂。对我来说,我觉得be impeccable with your word, don't take anything personally, don't make assumption这三点对我来说超级简单- -但是always do your best对我来说好难。问其他人你们难道不是把工作就只是当作工作么,那不就是external force让你去做这个事情,大家的回复好像都是这就是她(他)们喜欢的工作。呃,原来像我这种对工作不讨厌但是也没有那么喜欢有点幼稚?我应该努力去找一个我更加喜欢的工作么?哎,算了,还是洗脑告诉自己我喜欢我的工作,do my best,还有在饮食、健身方面也要尽最大努力 @ 飛行酋長 還是心靈雞湯 @ rinkle 1. Be impeccable with your word. 2. Don't take anything personally. 3. Don't make assumptions. (Ask!) 4. Always do your best. @ naan 疫情中 @ yuuuuun93 A must read!! @ Kkin Be impeccable with your words /don’t take anything personally /don’t make assumption/always do your best 前面的章节确实还是比较有用的,不过最后两章是什么?特别是那个prayer,觉得如果背下来就可以在一群人面前开始展开“热情而真挚”的演讲的程度。是我很喜欢的两个youtuber推荐的书,期望之… Be impeccable with your words /don’t take anything personally /don’t make assumption/always do your best 前面的章节确实还是比较有用的,不过最后两章是什么?特别是那个prayer,觉得如果背下来就可以在一群人面前开始展开“热情而真挚”的演讲的程度。是我很喜欢的两个youtuber推荐的书,期望之下吧 @ Mosir 大概有5句话比较有用。看到“The Fourth Agreement: Always Do Your Best”,直接笑抽了。 @ Amber 對的時間遇見一本對的書,那些躺在書櫃裡,只講到皮毛的自我啟發跟心理學的書可以搬去回收了。 @ 啞貓 出于好奇第一次读完一本self-help类型的书,中间部分的论述虽稍显重复但的确practical & insightful,然而首尾读起来完全就是一堆wordy preachy gibberish…


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