The Formula

书名:The FormulaTheUniversalLawsofSuccess
豆瓣评分: 8.0


In the bestselling tradition of Malcom Gladwell, James Gleick, and Nate Silver, prominent professor László Barabási gives us a trailblazing book that promises to transform the very foundations of how our success-obsessed society approaches their professional careers, life pursuits and long-term goals. Too often, accomplishment does not equal success. We did the work but didn't get the promotion; we played hard but weren't recognized; we had the idea but didn't get the credit. We convince ourselves that talent combined with a strong work ethic is the key to getting ahead, but also realize that combination often fails to yield results, without any deeper understanding as to why. Recognizing this striking disconnect, the author, along with a team of renowned researchers and some of the most advanced data-crunching systems on the planet, dedicated themselves to one goal: uncovering that ever-elusive link between performance and success. Now, based on years of academic research, The Formula finally unveils the groundbreaking discoveries of their pioneering study, not only highlighting the scientific and mathematic principles that underpin success, but also revolutionizing our understanding of: Why performance is necessary but not adequate * Why "Experts" are often wrong * How to assemble a creative team primed for success * How to most effectively engage our networks * and much more.


Albert-László Barabási is the Robert Gray Dodge Professor of Network Science and a Distinguished University Professor at Northeastern University, where he directs the Center for Complex Network Research and holds appointments in the Department of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and the Central European University in Budapest. A native of Transylvania, Romania, he received his Masters in Theoretical Physics at the Eötvös University in Budapest, Hungary and Ph.D. at Boston University. Barabási latest book, Bursts: The Hidden Pattern Behind Everything We Do (Dutton, 2010), is available in five languages. His previous book Linked: The New Science of Networks (Perseus, 2002) is currently available in fifteen languages. He is the author of Network Science (Cambridge, 2016) and the co-editor of The Structure and Dynamics of Networks (Princeton, 2005). His work has led to many breakthroughs, including the discovery of scale-free networks in 1999, which continues to make him one of the most cited scientists today.


@ 王亚军 5星。本书的一个核心思想是认为成功并不(完全)是自己的事,它主要是行业是否认可你的工作。孤芳自赏不管用。然后作者提出了关于如何让行业(甚至世界)认可你工作的五个原则:第一,要做出实打实的成绩,但也不能忽视行业社交网络的作用,后者在那些评价标准比较主观的行业尤其重要——他们掌握行业资源的分配。第二,当实力达到一定程度之后,连专家都很难客观分辨谁更优秀,所以不要过分害怕行业明星(他们并没有显著更好),也要学习郎朗同志夸张的肢体语言给人留下印象。第三,失败不是成功他妈,成功才是成功他妈,初期得有人说你行才行,也同时要创造出高质量的工作。第四,建设团队,让一群各有所长的人与你工作,领导他们往一个方向发力,以及慎重考虑和大牛合作。第五,要坚持,年龄不是问题,科研就跟买彩票一样,多发表中奖概率就更大。 @ 东方 performance has bound success has no limits. fitness is the key to idea and product. idea multiply Q factor, which is hardly changable throughout the whole life. never give up creativity doesnt decline. @ Yuchen Each person has his own definition of success, define your goals clearly and strive for your targets, grow up and learn more, success is often a numbers game, it depends how often you try, never stop, try hard, you need knowledge, skill, expertise, courage, discipline and hustle to make success a automated resource, success breeds success. @ 备胎 还行吧…… @ 0101001 每個自認有才又覺得自己被埋沒的人應該看看 @2021-03-27 19:31:08


  • 能力表现,或者你做了什么,是一个你可以控制的变量然而,成功属于另外一个完全不同的范畴,它属于一种集体测量,是人们对于我们表现的反应。成功是一种集体现象,而不是一种个人现象。
    —— 引自章节:01红色男爵与被遗忘的王牌
  • 成功并不涉及“你”和你的能力表现,而涉及“我们”和我们的认知。
    —— 引自章节:02大满贯和大学文凭
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