Play Nice But Win

书名:Play Nice But WinACEO'sJourneyfromFoundertoLeader
豆瓣评分: 8.4


From Michael Dell, renowned founder and chief executive of one of America’s largest technology companies, the inside story of the battles that defined him as a leader In 1984, soon-to-be college dropout Michael Dell hid signs of his fledgling PC business in the bathroom of his University of Texas dorm room. Almost 30 years later, at the pinnacle of his success as founder and leader of Dell Technologies, he found himself embroiled in a battle for his company’s survival. What he’d do next could ensure its legacy—or destroy it completely. Play Nice But Win is a riveting account of the three battles waged for Dell Technologies: one to launch it, one to keep it, and one to transform it. For the first time, Dell reveals the highs and lows of the company's evolution amidst a rapidly changing industry—and his own, as he matured into the CEO it needed. With humor and humility, he recalls the mentors who showed him how to turn his passion into a business; the competitors who became friends, foes, or both; and the sharks that circled, looking for weakness. What emerges is the long-term vision underpinning his success: that technology is ultimately about people and their potential. More than an honest portrait of a leader at a crossroads, Play Nice But Win is a survival story proving that while anyone with technological insight and entrepreneurial zeal might build something great—it takes a leader to build something that lasts.


Michael Dell is chairman and chief executive officer of Dell Technologies, an innovator and technology leader providing the essential infrastructure for organizations to build their digital future, transform IT and protect their most important information. Michael is an honorary member of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum and is an executive committee member of the International Business Council. In 1999, he and his wife, Susan Dell, established the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation.


@ Fantasy 这本书为戴尔本人的自传。书中回忆了他早年的成长经历,重点写了戴尔退市又上市经历,从两部分内容穿插交替展开书写而成。迈克尔戴尔早年是个聪明又有执着的年轻人,19岁从零起步创立个人电脑公司开始,一步一步走到上市,到美国前几名的科技类上市公司,退市又上市的过程,比较坎坷和复杂,与丰富经验的华尔街竞争对手之间的两次较量,也体现了其坚强的决心和韧性,多方支援和帮助下终于夺得胜利。总之,作为商业传记,值得一看。 @ Lewis 私有化交易部分的故事尤其精彩



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