The End of Cheap China

书名:The End of Cheap ChinaEconomicandCulturalTrendsthatWillDisrupttheWorld
豆瓣评分: 7.1


An expose on how the rise of China will affect the American way of life The End of Cheap China is a fun, riveting, must-read book not only for people doing business in China but for anyone interested in understanding the forces that are changing the world. Many Americans know China for manufacturing cheap products, thanks largely to the country's vast supply of low-cost workers. But China is changing, and the glut of cheap labor that has made everyday low prices possible is drying up as the Chinese people seek not to make iPhones, but to buy them. Shaun Rein, Founder of the China Market Research Group, puts China's continuing transformation from producer to large-scale consumer – a process that is farther along than most economists think – under the microscope, examining eight megatrends that are catalyzing change in China and posing threats to Americans' consumption-driven way of life. Rein takes an engaging and informative approach to examining the extraordinary changes taking place across all levels of Chinese society, talking to everyone from Chinese billionaires and senior government officials to poor migrant workers and even prostitutes. He draws on personal stories and experiences from living in China since the 1990s as well as hard economic data. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of China's transformation, from fast-improving Chinese companies to confident, optimistic Chinese women to the role of China's government, and at the end breaks down key lessons for readers to take away. The End of Cheap China shows: How rising labor and real estate costs are forcing manufacturers of cheap Chinese products to close, relocate, or move up the value stream How a restructuring economy moving away from exports to domestic consumption, and rising incomes will create opportunities for foreign brands to sell products in China rather than just producing there How Chinese consumption will build pressure on the global commodities markets, causing both inflation and friction with other nations How China's economic transformation spells the end of cheap consumption for Americans China's days as a low cost production center are numbered. The End of Cheap China exposes the end of America's consumerist way of life and gives clear advice on how companies can succeed in the new world order.



@ BizEssay some analysis insightful, some with weird logic – logic that I often see in this country's state press. eg, his argument for brand. @ Will 找了半天终于找到你啦!!! @ 橙 这歪果仁身份惊人,竟是开国后人洋女婿哈哈,所以也不难理解这众多一手高官富商消息是何来源。内容还是不错的,也算是比较了解中国实际情况的中国通了,呕心沥血集结成册告诉外国人真实中国是这样,不知道有多少外国人能听进去。最后,这本书是捡的。 @ neofirebear The author does provide unique way to help understand a more engaged China with his education and entreprise experience. @ 凸O_o凸 Shaun Rein在中國看到的社會現象及經濟現象。 @ 橙 这歪果仁身份惊人,竟是开国后人洋女婿哈哈,所以也不难理解这众多一手高官富商消息是何来源。内容还是不错的,也算是比较了解中国实际情况的中国通了,呕心沥血集结成册告诉外国人真实中国是这样,不知道有多少外国人能听进去。最后,这本书是捡的。 @ Will 找了半天终于找到你啦!!! @ 抽抽经会被虐 美国普通民众大概不会去读这样的书,写给想来中国做商业的外国人,大概可以洗洗他们被外媒所灌输的道理。本书作者对中国的领悟和社会现状,除了他长期在中国生活外,同时他也娶了一个红三代老婆。 @ bogo 没深度 @ 凸O_o凸 Shaun Rein在中國看到的社會現象及經濟現象。



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