The Brain

书名:The BrainTheStoryofYou
豆瓣评分: 8.3


Locked in the silence and darkness of your skull, your brain fashions the rich narratives of your reality and your identity. Join renowned neuroscientist David Eagleman for a journey into the questions at the mysterious heart of our existence. What is reality? Who are “you”? How do you make decisions? Why does your brain need other people? How is technology poised to change what it means to be human? In the course of his investigations, Eagleman guides us through the world of extreme sports, criminal justice, facial expressions, genocide, brain surgery, gut feelings, robotics, and the search for immortality. Strap in for a whistle-stop tour into the inner cosmos. In the infinitely dense tangle of billions of brain cells and their trillions of connections, something emerges that you might not have expected to see in there: you. This is the story of how your life shapes your brain, and how your brain shapes your life. (A companion to the six-part PBS series. Color illustrations throughout.)


Dr. David Eagleman is a neuroscientist who specializes in brain plasticity, time perception, synesthesia, and the intersection of science with social policy. He has authored over 90 scientific publications and holds several patents. He has also written two international bestsellers, the novel Sum and the non-fiction book Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain. He is the writer and presenter of the companion PBS television series The Brain.


@ ichbinluz 1.竹子的推荐,做做家务很快听完。这书还不错,但太简单了,得克制自己不要再看这种浅浅的科普。如果不太了解脑神经运作的基本知识的,是可以一读,蛮有趣也会很尊敬自己的脑袋(脑袋你好辛苦)。人的脑细胞数量是在婴儿期达到高峰,而后grow the interaction and network(突触之类),但总的数量会减少,所以我们的成长过程是在做减法,抛弃特定环境下用不着的,加强需要用到的细胞(譬如不同语言需要的发音不同)。2.Kenneth Parks’ homicide 是经典案例了吧?因为睡眠问题(脑部神经问题)杀人,最后被判无罪,在Why We Sleep里面也听到了,不过是作为不同目的的例子论证。3.庄周梦蝶也是经典案例了。这里面对比笛卡尔的观点,brain in a vat? @ Lillian 说实话,本来想打两星的,因为就内容而言,此书并没有什么新意,纯粹科普,且书中虽然反复提到脑和环境的交互作用,可太显简单甚至浅薄。而最后给三星是基于几点:我以研究生级别的要求来期望科普书作出深刻或全面的贡献,有些过了,其实非专业人读此书还是能学到东西,这应该也是作者的本意;书的内容虽是小故事小例子的松散结构,可很多是经典,拿来作为专业入门辅助读物也不错,读起来没有压力,轻松愉快加迅速;作者最近很火,刚拍了脑神经科学的系列纪录片,加上是帅哥,如果是粉丝,此书值得入手;书的印刷质量不错,全彩图,对于读惯长篇黑白文字的我来说,可谓是休闲读物。说实话,脑神经科学很火,但我觉得其读物日趋模式化,内容大都老生常谈,本书也没能幸免,没有什么独有亮点,可被其它类似书籍替代掉。这是否是一种脑神经科学的泡沫表现? @ 梦溪 The book explores who I am, what is reality and consciousness and converges with philosophy and constructivism in so many streams. Consciousness is more than the hardware but the interactions among the parts. Experiences constantly rewrite brain circuits, and shape how we think. Empathy derives physiologyically, and free will is at best a myth @ 大白能 The book explores who I am, what is reality and consciousness and converges with philosophy and constructivism in so many streams. Consciousness is more than the hardware but the interactions among the parts. Experiences constantly rewrite brain circuits, and shape how we think. Empathy derives physiologyically, and free will is at best a myth @ 中老年哪吒 1. 我太讨厌作者第一章第一小节对人与动物那一段的描述了。2. 整体来说是一本不错的面向大众的脑科学科普读物。3. 觉得非常有意思的几个点是作者用脑科学的角度具像化了the trolley dilemma 和racism, empathy, pain这类话题,我之前真的没有这样做过联想,但具像化不代表对这些问题的讨论就可以结束。4. 不是很喜欢第六章,who will we be? 关于neuroscience & technology co-evolve 的未来,作者的描述夸大了科学的光环,关于他多次提及的sci-fi 一般的未来,其实更应该用一个谨慎的态度讨论吧。仅仅着眼于科技的发展会给人带来的变化,而忽略了整个社会的语境与道德层面的concern,我觉得是危险的。 @ 前前前世 作为脑科学的科普读物来看已经很值得入手了,首先科普框架做的很好,章节从横向背景研究起笔逐渐延纵向延伸到现在和未来发展方向。每章由分为好几个小节,节与节之间通过不断地提问题和回答问题来延伸故事,每个小节都举证了先前和ongoing研究实例来conclude或者提出下一个问题,每个例子或多或少都会有冲击我们对大脑的stereotypes(搜了一下作者是Stanford挂名教授,好的科研成果+有效的科普输出才是真的科学家 @ 大白能 真的太好看了!


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