Don't Make Me Think
People won't use your web site if they can't find their way around it. Whether you call it usability, ease-of-use, or just good design, companies staking their fortunes and the...
People won't use your web site if they can't find their way around it. Whether you call it usability, ease-of-use, or just good design, companies staking their fortunes and the...
如何才能为今天的智能手机和平板电脑用户设计出最棒的网站和应用?如何在受到限制的小型设备上创造出让人满意的用户体验? 本书提供了至关重要的洞见,帮助你制定移动战略,针对小屏幕进行设计和写作。围绕着移动设备(主要是智能手机和触屏手机)上的可用性,本书先后讨论了企业的移动战略、针对小屏幕的设计、移动应用的写作、可用性对比等主题,最后还对移动可用性的未来进行了展望。书中列举了许多知名网站...
Five years and more than 100,000 copies after it was first published, it's hard to imagine anyone working in Web design who hasn't read Steve Krug's "instant classic" on...
Mobile Interaction Design shifts the design perspective away from the technology and concentrates on usability; in other words the book concentrates on developing interfaces and devices with a g...
In 2000, Jakob Nielsen, the world's leading expert on Web usability, published a book that changed how people think about the Web-Designing Web Usability (New Riders). Many applauded. A few...
Although Web usability has received lots of hype, especially during the dot-com meltdown, the focus has been mostly on technical issues. Usability experts stress the pitfalls of frames and too m...
A supremely usable nuts-and-bolts guide for beginners A daily tool of the trade for specialists Handbook of Usability Testing gives you practical, step-by-step guidelines in plain English. Writt...
-- Discusses the balance between design and usability from the perspective of a Flash designer and an information architect -- Drills down into usable navigation design in Macromedia Flash ...
书名:A Practical Guide to Usability Testing 作者:JosephS.Dumas/JaniceC.Redish 译者: ISBN:9781841500201 出版社:IntellectLtd 出版时间:1 […]
Usability testing and user experience research typically take place in a controlled lab with small groups. While this type of testing is essential to user experience design, more companies are a...