Now in its eighth edition, this continues to be the indispensable guide to understanding the world we make and the lives we lead. Revised and updated throughout, it remains unrivalled in its vib...
Now in its eighth edition, this continues to be the indispensable guide to understanding the world we make and the lives we lead. Revised and updated throughout, it remains unrivalled in its vib...
From Harvard sociologist and MacArthur "Genius" Matthew Desmond, a landmark work of scholarship and reportage that will forever change the way we look at poverty in America In t...
A revelatory examination of the most significant demographic shift since the Baby Boom—the sharp increase in the number of people who live alone—that offers surprising insights on the benefits o...
Arlie Hochschild is best known for her contributions to the domestic division of labor (The Second Shift), emotional labor (The Managed Heart), the rationalization of the home (Time Bind), the c...
With unequaled insight and brio, David Brooks, the New York Times columnist and bestselling author of Bobos in Paradise, has long explored and explained the way we live. Now, with the intellectu...
《后现代性下的生命与多重时间》是社会学家基思·特斯特反思后现代性、后现代性研究的一部力作。他在其中关注的是一些境况,是后现代性得以存在的利害关键和可能条件,而他主要取材于“世界的写作”,关注有关我们世界的神话/迷思,去探寻人们都靠着哪些故事,来做出妥协,为实际活动提供理据,并使挫败可以接受。 或许可以把后现代性看作是人类历史的巅峰,不仅如此,还像是自哲学诞生以来被人们不顾一切、满...
Hailed by national leaders as politically diverse as former Vice President Al Gore and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Generations has been heralded by reviewers as a brilliant, if somewha...
◎通往新经济社会学理论最核心、最艰深之处的必要资料补充 ◎新经济社会学奠基人格兰诺维特、国际知名社会学家斯威德伯格联手编著 ◎全球二十位社会科学大师智慧结晶 本书编者极为出色的导论、为每一章所做的延伸阅读编者按,将使读者迅速置身于经济社会学快速变化的前沿。本书不仅是专业人士心目中的经典,也必将成为初学者的最佳指南。 哈里森•怀特(哥伦比亚大学教授) ---...