Hidden in Plain Sight
Who are your next customers - not just the ones you are serving today but the ones you'll need three, five, ten years from now? How do you figure out what goods and services will attract th...
Who are your next customers - not just the ones you are serving today but the ones you'll need three, five, ten years from now? How do you figure out what goods and services will attract th...
◎ “情境领导”创始人,保罗•赫塞;知识创造理论之父,野中郁次郎;领导力大师,史蒂芬•柯维 联袂推荐 ◎领导力大师史蒂芬•柯维说,这是一部意义重大的作品,它绝不是那种只对少数人具有学术吸引力,随后便被人遗忘的作品。它一定会得到广泛的实际应用。 无论是工作中还是生活中,我们都会面临多重选择的矩阵困境。这个时候,我们需要一个有效的工具帮助我们做出最为明智的选择,这个工具就是2×...