TextMate is a powerful tool for programmers, web designers, and anyone else who regularly needs to work with text files on Mac OS X. TextMate focuses on pragmatic automation, which means it will...
TextMate is a powerful tool for programmers, web designers, and anyone else who regularly needs to work with text files on Mac OS X. TextMate focuses on pragmatic automation, which means it will...
"Hellmann's writing has become an indispensable resource for me and many others as it fills a critical gap in Python Documentation with examples." -- Jesse Noller, Python Core De...
Provides background information needed to understand C. Covers pointers thoroughly, including syntax, techniques for their effective use, and common programming idioms in which they appear. Comp...
With more than 200 practical recipes, this book helps you perform data analysis with R quickly and efficiently. The R language provides everything you need to do statistical work, but its struct...
My aim with this book is to write the book people will buy to understand how to write concurrent programs on the Windows and .NET platforms. This is clearly of increasing importance due to multi...
国外最经典的Go语言著作,Go语言编程的先驱者Mark Summerfield的实践经验总结。 这是一本Go语言实战指南,帮你了解Go语言,按Go语言的方式思考,以及使用Go语言来编写高性能软件。 作者展示了如何编写充分利用Go语言突破性的特性和惯用法的代码,以及Go语言在其他语言之上所做的改进,并着重强调了Go语言的关键创新。 注重实践教学,每章都提供了多个经过精心...
C#经典名著!也是Wrox红皮书中最畅销的品种之一,从第一版开始就名满天下;其第3版被中华读书报、CSDN、《程序员》等机构评选为2005年最权威的十大IT图书之一(第2名);在中国版协、中国出版科学研究所、《出版参考》杂志组织的“2005年度输出版、引进版优秀图书”评选活动中获得“2005年度引进版科技类优秀图书”奖。第4版面向C# 2005,在全面展示.NET新特性的同时继续完善原...
Essential C++ offers a fast-track to learning and working with C++. This book is specifically designed to bring you up to speed in a short amount of time. It focuses on the elements of C++ progr...
本书是一本知识密集的C# 技术经典图书,Microsoft .NET MVP 力作,众多.NET 专家口口相传的一本秘籍。全书分为三个部分,第一部分讲述底层的.NET 平台,涵盖了.NET 各方面的基础知识和工作原理;第二部分是C# 语言部分,通过与C++ 比较的方式进行讲解,清晰易懂;第三部分讲述.NETFramework 中的基本类库,内容几乎涉及.NET 常见领域的全部知识。
本书是在C++语言和程序设计领域具有深远影响、畅销不衰的著作,由C++语言的设计者编写,对C++语言进行了最全面、最权威的论述,覆盖标准C++以及由C++所支持的关键性编程技术和设计技术。本书英文原版一经面世,即引起业内人士的高度评价和热烈欢迎,先后被翻译成德、希、匈、西、荷、法、日、俄、中、韩等近20种语言,数以百万计的程序员从中获益,是无可取代的C++经典力作。 在本书英文原...