Professional JavaScript for Web Developers
This eagerly anticipated update to the breakout book on JavaScript offers you an in-depth look at the numerous advances to the techniques and technology of the JavaScript language. You'll s...
This eagerly anticipated update to the breakout book on JavaScript offers you an in-depth look at the numerous advances to the techniques and technology of the JavaScript language. You'll s...
本书适合程序库、编译器开发者及追求优美程序设计的人员阅读,适合用作计算机专业高年级学生及研究生的参考用书。 本书直观明了地讲述了计算机算术的更深层次的、更隐秘的技术,汇集了各种编辑的小技巧,包括常购的任务的小算法,2的幂边界和边界检测、位和字节的重排列、整数除法和常量除法、针对整数的基涵义,空间填充曲线、素数公式等。
Refactoring is about improving the design of existing code. It is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code, yet improves i...
Python for Software Design is a concise introduction to software design using the Python programming language. Intended for people with no programming experience, this book starts with the most ...
The Art of Debugging illustrates the use of three of the most popular debugging tools on Linux/Unix platforms: GDB, DDD, and Eclipse. In addition to offering specific advice for debugging with e...
本书是与谭浩强所著的《C程序设计》(第三版)(清华大学出版社2005年出版)配合使用的参考书。内容包括: (1)《C程序设计》(第三版)一书的习题和参考解答,包括了该书各章的全部习题,约150题,对全部编程习题都给出了参考解答。(2)上机指导,详细介绍了在Turbo C 2.0、Turbo C++ 3.0和Visual C++ 6.0集成环境下编辑、编译、调试和运行程序的方法。(3)上...
Success in today's IT environment requires you to view your career as a business endeavor. In this book, you'll learn how to become an entrepreneur, driving your career in the directio...
书名:Agile Web Development with RailsAPragmaticGuide(PragmaticProgrammers) 作者:DaveThomas/DavidHeinemeierHansson 译者: ISBN:9 […]
本书从程序设计角度出发,以C/C++为描述语言,以Visual C++为形式工具,将隐藏在代码背后的关于计算机组成原理、计算机操作系统等方面的机制和知识娓娓道来,不仅让读者知其然,更要让读者知其所以然。并让这些知识再反作用于编程实践,从而帮助读者写出更适合机器优化的高质量代码。揭开代码背后鲜为人知的秘密,具体说来,全书主要讨论了包括计算机底层编码、内存与指针、计算机指令与代码系统、函数...