And Then There Were None
And Then There Were None is a detective fiction novel by Agatha Christie. In the novel, ten people, who have previously been complicit in the deaths of others but have escaped notice or punishme...
And Then There Were None is a detective fiction novel by Agatha Christie. In the novel, ten people, who have previously been complicit in the deaths of others but have escaped notice or punishme...
蔡康永:我看《秧歌》看到最後是會落淚的,因為發現張愛玲到最後原來還是相信愛情這件事。 張愛玲 百歲誕辰 紀念版 飢餓的滋味他還是第一次嘗到。 心頭有一種沉悶的空虛,不斷的咬嚙著他,鈍刀鈍鋸磨著他。 那種痛苦是介於牙痛與傷心之間, 使他眼睛裏望出去,一切都成為夢境一樣的虛幻── 《秧歌》是張愛玲用寫實的筆調和敏銳的感性譜寫的農村哀歌。她由個...
在滿目的荒蕪中, 唯一不變的,是她孤注一擲的愛情。 張愛玲:我只希望讀者們看這本書的時候, 能夠多少嗅到一點真實的生活氣息。 張愛玲 百歲誕辰 紀念版 他擁抱著她,這時他知道, 只有兩個人在一起的時候是有一種絕對的安全感, 除此以外,在這種世界上,也根本沒有別的安全。 只要有她在一起,他什麼都能忍受,什麼苦難都能想辦法度過。 ...
The basis of BBC America's April 2018 release "Killing Eve," starring Sandra Oh--A stylish game of spy vs. spy played by Villanelle, a peerless international assassin, and Eve, th...
From one of the Observer's Rising Stars of 2017, a high-risk, highbrow and intimate novel – and one of the most anticipated works of fiction this year. Features Frances, Bobbi, Nick and Mel...