Young Money
Every summer, thousands of top college graduates pack their bags and head to Wall Street to start new lives as investment bankers and traders. Even after massive economic collapse, a career in t...
Every summer, thousands of top college graduates pack their bags and head to Wall Street to start new lives as investment bankers and traders. Even after massive economic collapse, a career in t...
《纽约时报》畅销书作家克罗斯比博士以心理学家和资产管理专家的背景优势和独特视角,在行为金融学领域开辟了新天地。你可以从书中学到: 19个提升投资绩效的行为校准模型 10条投资行为原则 5种应用行为金融学的选股方法 4种行为风险的应对方式 本书聚焦于投资者的行为偏差,可以作为投资者自我修炼的指南。 ...
Geopolitical Alpha – An Investment Framework for Predicting the Future provides readers with an original and compelling approach to forecasting the future and beating the markets while doing so....
We live in an age of serial asset bubbles and spectacular busts. Economists, policymakers, central bankers and most people in the financial world have been blindsided by these busts, while inves...
Deep Value: Why Activist Investors and Other Contrarians Battle for Control of Losing Corporations is a must-read exploration of deep value investment strategy, describing the evolution of the t...
Recommended Reading by Warren Buffet in his March 2013 Letter to Shareholders How speculation has come to dominate investment--a hard-hitting look from the creator of the first index fund. Over ...
A must-read book on the quantitative value investment strategy Warren Buffett and Ed Thorp represent two spectrums of investing: one value driven, one quantitative. Where they align is in their...
An accessible, and intuitive, guide to stock valuation Valuation is at the heart of any investment decision, whether that decision is to buy, sell, or hold. In The Little Book of Valuation, expe...
"This is that rarity, a useful book."--Warren Buffett Howard Marks, the chairman and cofounder of Oaktree Capital Management, is renowned for his insightful assessments of market oppo...
With a foreword by Clifford Asness, this book is a one stop guide to measuring the expected returns of a range of investments to enable long term investors to better manage and balance their por...