Geopolitical Alpha

书名:Geopolitical AlphaAnInvestmentFrameworkforPredictingtheFuture
豆瓣评分: 8.7


Geopolitical Alpha – An Investment Framework for Predicting the Future provides readers with an original and compelling approach to forecasting the future and beating the markets while doing so. Persuasively written by author, investment strategist, and geopolitical analyst Marko Papic, the book applies a novel framework for making sense of the cacophony of geopolitical risks with the eye towards generating investment-relevant insights. Geopolitical Alpha posits that investors should ignore the media-hyped narratives, insights from "smoke-filled rooms," and most of their political consultants and, instead, focus exclusively on the measurable, material constraints facing policymakers. In the tug-of-war between policymaker preferences and their constraints, the latter always win out in the end. Papic uses a wealth of examples from the past decade to illustrate how one can use his constraint-framework to generate Geopolitical Alpha. In the process, the book discusses: What paradigm shifts will drive investment returns over the next decade Why investment and corporate professionals can no longer treat geopolitics as an exogenous risk How to ignore the media and focus on what drives market narratives that generate returns Perfect for investors, C-suite executives, and investment professionals, Geopolitical Alpha belongs on the shelf of anyone interested in the intersection of geopolitics, economics, and finance.


Marko Papic

Partner & Chief Strategist

Clocktower Group

Marko is a Partner and Chief Strategist at Clocktower Group, an alternative investment asset management firm based in Santa Monica, California. He leads the firm's Strategy Team, providing bespoke research to clients and partners on geopolitics, macroeconomics, and markets.

Prior to joining the firm, Marko founded BCA Research's Geopolitical Strategy practice (GPS) in 2012, the financial industry's first dedicated political analysis investment strategy. The GPS service generated geopolitical alpha by identifying gaps between the market's political expectations and the firm's forecasts. Marko was a Senior Vice President and the firm's Chief Geopolitical Strategist.

Marko began his career as a Senior Analyst at Stratfor, a global intelligence agency where he contributed to the firm's global geopolitical strategy as well as its analyst recruitment and training program. In his academic work, he helped create the Center for European Union Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. Marko holds an MA in Political Science from the University of Texas at Austin and an MA from the University of British Columbia.

He is the author of Geopolitical Alpha: An Investment Framework for Predicting the Future (Wiley 2020), a book that introduces his constraints-based framework to investors. He has lived in seven countries on three continents.


@ 穿风衣的猫 看完觉得自己大概就是作者说的那种只懂经济不懂政治的forecaster…对政治外行来说确实学到一些新概念 但是感觉省掉一些废话和自吹自擂厚度能薄至少百分之三十 以及最终也没有解决的两大问题 第一是缺少对相关国家深度的政治了解整个framework还是没有办法应用 最根本的就是找不到作者所谓的那个fulcrum constraint 这一点不是你花钱雇一个信息提供者就能解决的 第二是这一切看起来这么完美很难不让人觉得是来自于in retrospect的视角 @ 柴纳森 多键政,多赚钱


  • At the same time, I was expressly hired to be the firm's Europe analyst. Given Stratfor's roots in "Great Power geopolitics," my position was the equivalent of being the admiral of the Swiss Navy. Most of the all-hands meetings were about Tomahawks, car bombs, and jihad. I usually got to fight with the Africa analyst for the scraps left over by the Middle East, counterterrorism, and East Asia analysts.
    —— 引自第1页
  • In the battle of ideas, the Thatcher/Reagan supply-side – laissez-faire – won as decisive a victory over Mitterrand's demand-side – dirigisme – as one could imagine. Voters and policymakers across the developed world took note and adjusted behavior accordingly.
    —— 引自第9页
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