From a prizewinning economic historian, an eye-opening reinterpretation of the 2008 economic crisis (and its ten-year aftermath) as a global event that directly led to the shockwaves being felt ...
From a prizewinning economic historian, an eye-opening reinterpretation of the 2008 economic crisis (and its ten-year aftermath) as a global event that directly led to the shockwaves being felt ...
One of the world’s leading economists of inequality, Branko Milanovic presents a bold new account of the dynamics that drive inequality on a global scale. Drawing on vast data sets and cutting-e...
Many thought China's rise would fundamentally remake the global order. Yet, much like other developing nations, the Chinese state now finds itself in a status quo characterized by free trad...
As the world deals with increasing complexity -- in issues of sustainability, finance, culture and technology -- business and governments are searching for a form of problem solving that can dea...
Why are some countries rich and others poor? In 1500, the income differences were small, but they have grown dramatically since Columbus reached America. Since then, the interplay between geogr...
Protocols exist in the field of user experience, but in light of the challenges faced by globalization, you must now incorporate new methodologies and best practices to analyze, test, design, an...
In this gripping account of the quest for the energy that our world needs, Daniel Yergin continues the riveting story begun in his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, The Prize . A master storyteller ...
你还在日复一日地为空茫的现在惶恐吗?你依然会在心底写下梦想,也依然会让它在心底生霉?现在听听来自日本的创业达人熊谷正寿的人生规划经验,实现梦想就从每天计划开始! 本书是熊谷正寿十五年成功管理人生的经验总结,他倡导通过建立梦想人生金字塔,写下自己的人生理想,通过分析每时每刻的状态来发现此刻与梦想之间的距离,并以此来计划一天、一月、一年以及十年或者终生计划,成就理想人生! 本书...
Hailed by financial professionals worldwide as the single best guide of its kind, Valuation, Fourth Edition with CD-ROM combines is thoroughly revised and expanded to reflect business conditions...
This book examines the extraordinary events that led to China's transformation from a close agrarian socialist economy to becoming an invincible manufacturing powerhouse of the global econo...