At some point, this book describes methods of solving the problem raised by Donald E. Knuth in the classical book "The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms". ...
At some point, this book describes methods of solving the problem raised by Donald E. Knuth in the classical book "The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms". ...
《人生》是路遥的一部中篇小说,发表于1982年,它以改革时期陕北高原的城乡生活为时空背景,叙述了高中毕业生高加林回到土地又离开土地,再回到土地这样人生的变化过程。高加林同农村姑娘刘巧珍、城市姑娘黄亚萍之间的感情纠葛构成了故事发展的矛盾,也正是体现那种艰难选择的悲剧。 《人生》问世不久即轰动全国,反响热烈。由著名导演吴天明拍摄为同名电影后,更是家喻户晓,成为中国当代文学的经典之作。...