The Innovator's Dilemma
在线阅读本书 Taking the radical position that great companies can fail precisely because they excel at the commonly accepted practices of good management, this work demonstrates why outstanding...
在线阅读本书 Taking the radical position that great companies can fail precisely because they excel at the commonly accepted practices of good management, this work demonstrates why outstanding...
1973年经济危机何以成为当今世界秩序的起源? 比尔•盖茨盛赞的经济史家马克•莱文森重磅新作 解密繁荣为何不可持续,美国因何不能“再次伟大” ◎ 编辑推荐 ★ 本书以1973年为立足点,全景式复盘战后世界经济起落的50年。深度解析战后世界经济空前繁荣,及其未能持续和再现 的原因。对滞胀时期西方主要国家经济政策的分析具有颠覆性。 ★ 1973年是一个至关重要...