The Ethical Algorithm
Over the course of a generation, algorithms have gone from mathematical abstractions to powerful mediators of daily life. Algorithms have made our lives more efficient, more entertaining, and, s...
Over the course of a generation, algorithms have gone from mathematical abstractions to powerful mediators of daily life. Algorithms have made our lives more efficient, more entertaining, and, s...
伦理学也许是与我们的生活离得最近的哲学领域。本书从伦理学三大主要分支介绍了其基本理论及核心问题。对于每一种理论,本书都从优势及问题两方面进行讲述,并构建逻辑论证予以证明。书中随时给出前后相关联处的脚注说明,书末附有进一步阅读建议书单与术语表。这些特点使得本书非常适合作为伦理学入门教材。 同时,本书作者向来以逻辑清晰、文笔生动著称,致力于向没有任何哲学背景的读者介绍伦理学知识。这使...