Explains how and why many with ADHD get stuck in their schooling, employment and relationships due to emotional problems they did not know they have. It describes how emotions –positive and nega...
Explains how and why many with ADHD get stuck in their schooling, employment and relationships due to emotional problems they did not know they have. It describes how emotions –positive and nega...
湯馬士.布朗博士(Dr. Thomas Brown),國際知名ADHD權威,強調情緒在複雜的注意力缺陷過動症(ADHD)所扮演的重要角色。不只是負面的情緒,布朗說,ADHD患者有時在處理正面情緒時,如某些興趣和活動,也會有困擾;就好像無法因當下情境的需要或責任,順利的換擋。 布朗提供一個了解ADHD的新視角,說明了為何許多相當聰明的患者會被卡住,痛苦掙扎地想去做重要且該做的事。他...
近年来,ADHD 的发病频率突飞猛涨,已遍及美国和世界其他各国。相比 10 年前来说,美国青年患 ADHD 的比例增长了 40%。目前,已确诊患 ADHD 并接受药物治疗的成年人群体呈迅速增长趋势。注意力缺陷很痛苦,严重者有时可致人瘫痪,并使社会蒙受巨大经济损失。然而,广泛传播的错误信息、怀疑论,以及众多未解谜团都会危及关于ADHD 的诊断和治疗。 本书作者斯蒂芬·P.欣肖是 A...