在经过了8年与华尔街巨鳄的猫鼠游戏之后,美国历史上在任时间最长的证券交易委员会主席阿瑟•莱维特,以一本惊世骇俗的《散户至上》,揭露了这个纸醉金迷的名利场无处不在的陷阱。作者以自己的亲历实感,告诉投资者怎么样才能把一切掌握在自己的手中: 投资者该如何正确解读公司财务报告? 分析师的建议暗藏何种陷阱? 员工股票分红究竟对股东有什么影响? 会计师怎样帮企业做假账? ...
在经过了8年与华尔街巨鳄的猫鼠游戏之后,美国历史上在任时间最长的证券交易委员会主席阿瑟•莱维特,以一本惊世骇俗的《散户至上》,揭露了这个纸醉金迷的名利场无处不在的陷阱。作者以自己的亲历实感,告诉投资者怎么样才能把一切掌握在自己的手中: 投资者该如何正确解读公司财务报告? 分析师的建议暗藏何种陷阱? 员工股票分红究竟对股东有什么影响? 会计师怎样帮企业做假账? ...
◎黄克武、黄兴涛、李雪涛、罗新、章清、邹振环一致推荐 ◎首部从翻译角度研究马戛尔尼使团的著作 ◎改写中英关系史的研究图景,为近代中国翻译史研究提供重要参考与典范 作为中英官方的第一次正式接触,1793年马戛尔尼使团访华对两国历史发展的深远影响毋庸置疑,然而使团的沟通与翻译问题罕有进入研究者视野。本书聚焦翻译在这次中英对话中扮演的关键角色,全书七个章节以时间为轴线,由多...
书名:Processing 2: Creative Programming Cookbook 作者:VantommeJan 译者: ISBN:9781849517942 出版社:PacktPublishing 出版时间:2012-9-25 […]
If you’re a student studying computer science or a software developer preparing for technical interviews, this practical book helps you learn and review the most important ideas in software engi...
With so much more music available these days, traditional ways of finding music have diminished. Today radio shows are often programmed by large corporations that create playlists drawn from a l...
This text covers topics in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra with a strong perspective toward practical and computational aspects. The first four chapters form the core of the book. A c...
The Web is increasingly happening in realtime. With sites such as Facebook and FriendFeed leading the way, users are coming to expect that all websites should serve content to them as it occurs....
The present book is based on the author's diploma thesis written at the Institute of Media and Phototechnology University of Applied Sciences Cologne and describes the recent development of...
Modern technology has now reached a point where improved safety can only be achieved through a better understanding of human error mechanisms. In its treatment of major accidents, the book spans...