豆瓣评分: 9.2
Are designers still making drawings by hand? Isn’t it more advanced to use a computer in this computer era? Some may think sketching is a disappearing skill, but if you ever enter a design studio, you will find out differently. Studios still make sketches and drawings by hand • and in most cases, quite a lot of them. They are an integral part of the decision-making process, used in the early stages of design, in brainstorming sessions, in the phase of research and concept exploration, and in presentation. Drawing has proved to be, next to verbal explanation, a powerful tool for communicating not only with fellow designers, engineers or model makers but also with clients, contractors and public offices. This book can be regarded as a standard book on design sketching, useful for students in product design. ——————————————- 目录: 1- Side view sketches …… step-by-step/redesign using an underlay/ showcases 2- Perspective drawing …… basics in perspective/ choosing viewpoint/ showcases 3- Simplifying shape …… drawing approach 4- Elementary shapes and shading …… spatial suggestion by shading/ showcases 5- Special attention for ellipses …… drawing approach/showcases 6- Rounding …… various roundings/ showcases 7- Cross sections …… curvatures/ surface approach/ redesign example/ showcases 8- Ideation…… showcases/ designers sketchbooks 9- Explanatory drawings ……. pre-engineering sketches/ exploded view/ instructions/ showcases 10- Surface and textures ……. material expression/ showcases 11- Light……. bright licht/ soft licht/ showcases 12- Context …… communicating ideas in context/ using images/ hands/ people/ showcases ——————————————— 图片预览 http://homepages.ipact.nl/~kooseissen/sketching/media/Pag%20k10-1.jpg http://homepages.ipact.nl/~kooseissen/sketching/media/Pag%20a40-1.jpg http://homepages.ipact.nl/~kooseissen/sketching/media/Pag%20b52-3.jpg http://homepages.ipact.nl/~kooseissen/sketching/media/Pag%20c58-9.jpg http://homepages.ipact.nl/~kooseissen/sketching/media/Pag%20d80-1.jpg http://homepages.ipact.nl/~kooseissen/sketching/media/Pag%20e148-9.jpg http://homepages.ipact.nl/~kooseissen/sketching/media/Pag%20f122-3.jpg http://homepages.ipact.nl/~kooseissen/sketching/media/Pag%20g210-1.jpg http://homepages.ipact.nl/~kooseissen/sketching/media/Pag%20h154-5.jpg http://homepages.ipact.nl/~kooseissen/sketching/media/Pag%20j240-1.jpg ——————————————— 官网 http://homepages.ipact.nl/~kooseissen/sketching/index.html
Koos Eissen is associate professor and head of the Design Drawing Techniques staff (TU Delft, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, in the Netherlands). He is at present guest-lecturer at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague.
Previous publications:
//produktpresentatietekenen (Delft University Press, Delft 1984, 7th print) //Architectuurpresentatie (Meinema, Delft 1988) //Presenting Architectural Designs (Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990 New York, London) //Architektur-Praesentation (R.Mueller, Koln, 1990)
Roselien Steur is a free-lance visualisor, and lecturer at the HKU/Utrecht School of the Arts, The Faculty of Visual Arts and Design in the Netherlands.
@ 盒装海带酒 (┳_┳)… @ 易培 终于买到了!可能是目前买过的最贵的书了! @ Carlvado 荷兰 @ 傲娇卖萌小怪兽 delft。。。 @ 東山研GKgenken 工业设计(概念设计),透视画法的好范例。目前为止,最好的。不过今年Scott Robertson将会出3本新书,分别简述透视画法,2D渲染(上调子,上色方法),和设计。 @ 群青调普蓝 经典就是经典 @ Dr. Goooooose 去英国前得再看一遍 @ 阿 XUAN 最好的产品手绘教程 @ 虫骸 前几天一位很厉害的老师又给我推荐了这本,希望可以好好利用这本书 @ 盒装海带酒 (┳_┳)…